Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
1 General Provisions
2 Basic Regulation
3 Equipment Foundation,Anchor Bolts and Shim Plates
3.1 Equipment Foundation
3.2 Datum Line and Datum Mark for Installation of Equipment
3.3 Anchor Bolts
3.4 Shim Plates
4 Equipment and Material
4.1 Equipment
4.2 Material
5 Material Stacker and Reclaimer
5.1 General Requirement
5.2 Installation of Walking Structure
5.3 Installation of Reversible Device
5.4 Installation of Cable Drum
5.5 Installation of Belt Conveyor,Balance Weight,Anchorage Locker
6 Protective Iron Parts and Operating Platform of Coke Oven
6.1 General Requirement
6.2 Installation of Buckstays
6.3 Installation of Small Buckstays
6.4 Installation of Protective Plates
6.5 Installation of Oven Port Frames and Nog Plates
6.6 Installation of Oven Ports
6.7 Installation of Longitudinal and Lateral Bracings
6.8 Installation of Platforms on the Coke Pusher Side and Coke Guide Side
7 Heating and Exchange Device under the Coke Oven
7.1 Installation of Gas Main Pipelines,Branch Pipeline and Downspouts
7.2 Installation of Regulating Cock,Exchange Cock and Orifice Plate Box
7.3 Installation of Waste Gas Exchange Shutter
7.4 Installation of Gas Exchanger
7.5 Installation of Exchange Driving Structure
7.6 Installation of Stack Gate Valve
8 Equipment on the Top of Coke Oven
8.1 Installation of Gas Headers and Liquid Ammonia Pipes
8.2 Installation of Risers and Crossover Mains
8.3 Installation of Guide Pipes for Coke Guide and Coal Charging Dedusting
9 Auxiliary Equipment of Coke Oven
9.1 Installation of Test Equipment for Oven Port Repair Station,Coke Pushing Ram and Coal Leveling Bar
9.2 Installation of Collecting Plates of Wet Quenching Tower
9.3 Installation of Coal Feeding Device of Coal Tower
9.4 Installation of Scale for Coal Charger of Coal Tower
9.5 Installation of Rails of Coke Pusher,Coal Charger and Coke Car
9.6 Installation of Rails of Coke Guide
10 Coke Pusher
10.1 General Requirement
10.2 Installation of Walking Structure
10.3 Installation of Steel Structure
10.4 Installation of Coke Pushing Device
10.5 Installation of Port Extracting Device
10.6 Installation of Cleaning Device of Oven Port Frames
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10.7 Installation of Cleaning Device of Oven Ports
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10.8 Installation of Coal Leveling Device
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10.9 Installation of Cleaning Device of Small Oven Ports
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11 Coke Guide
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11.1 General Requirement
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11.2 Installation of Walking Structure
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11.3 Installation of Steel Structure
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11.4 Installation of Coke Guide Grill
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11.5 Installation of Port Extracting Device
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11.6 Installation of Cleaning Device of Oven Port Frames
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11.7 Installation of Cleaning Device of Oven Ports
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11.8 Installation of Coke Guide Dedusting Device
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12 Coal Charger
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12.1 General Requirement
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12.2 Installation of Walking Device
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12.3 Installation of Steel Structure
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12.4 Installation of Coal Hopper
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12.5 Installation of Coal Feeding Device
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12.6 Installation of Cover Extracting Device
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12.7 Installation of Shutters of Covers of Liquid Ammonia Exchange and Risers
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12.8 Installation of Dedusting Device of Coal Charger
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13 Coke Car,Electric Locomotive and Coke Tank Car
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13.1 Installation of Coke Car
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13.2 Installation of Electric Locomotive
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13.3 Installation of Coke Tank Car
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14 Process Steel Structure and Rails of Coke Dry Quench
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14.1 General Requirement
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14.2 Installation of Quenching Channel Steel Structure
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14.3 Installation of Rails of Lifting Device
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14.4 Installation of Guide Rails of Lifting Headframe
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14.5 Installation of Rails of Maintenance Cranes
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14.6 Installation of Cable Guide Frame of Lifting Device
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15 Quenching Tank of COQ
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15.1 Installation of Shell Body of Quenching Tank
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15.2 Installation of Air Supply Device
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16 Mechanical Equipment for Charging and Discharging System of COQ
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16.1 Installation of Transverse Tracting Device
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16.2 Installation of Lifting Device
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16.3 Installation of Charging Device
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16.4 Installation of Discharging Device
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16.5 Installation of Automatic Para-position Device
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17 Mechanical Equipment of Gas Circulating System of COQ
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17.1 General Requirement
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17.2 Installation of Primary Deduster
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17.3 Installation of Secondary Deduster
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17.4 Installation of Water Feeding Pre-heater
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18 Auxiliary Equipment of COQ
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18.1 General Requirement
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18.2 Installation of Elevator Shaft
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18.3 Installation of Demineralized Water Tank
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19 Equipment of Gas Purification and Chemical Recovery
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19.1 General Requirement
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19.2 Assembly of Tower Equipment
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19.3 Site Welding of Tower Equipment
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19.4 Installation of Tower Equipment
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19.5 Installation of Parts of Tower Equipment
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19.6 Assembly of Vessel Equipment
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19.7 Site Welding of Vessel Equipment
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19.8 Installation of Vessel Equipment
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19.9 Installation of Tank Equipment
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19.10 Welding of Tank Equipment
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19.11 Installation of Heat-exchange Equipment
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19.12 Installation of Mechanical Sedimentation Tank
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19.13 Iinstallation of Centrifugal Separator
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19.14 Installation of Gas Primary and Final Cooler
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19.15 Installation of Electrical Tar Skimmer
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19.16 Installation of Saturator
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19.17 Installation of Pipe-type Heating Furnace
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19.18 Installation of Rotary Drum Crystallizer
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19.19 Installation of Naphthalene Refiner
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19.20 Installation of Material Charger
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19.21 Installation of Quantitative Barrel Filler
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19.22 Installation of Pelleter
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20 Test-run of Mechanical Equipment of Coking &Chemical and Thermal-state Operation of Coke Oven
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20.1 General Requirement
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20.2 Test-run of Material Stacker and Reclaimer
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20.3 Test-run of Mechanial Equipment of Coke Oven
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20.4 Test-run of Moving Mechanical Equipment
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20.5 Test-run of Dry Quenching Unit
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20.6 Test-run of Gas Purification and Chemical Recovery Unit
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20.7 Thermal-state Operation of Coke Oven
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Explanation of Wording in This Code
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List of Quoted Standards
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Explanation of Provisions
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Explanation of Provisions Development
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1 General Provisions
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2 Basic Regulation
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3 Equipment Foundation,Anchor Bolts and Shim Plates
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3.1 Equipment Foundation
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3.2 Datum Line and Datum Mark for Installation of Equipment
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3.3 Anchor Bolts
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4 Equipment and Material
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4.2 Material
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6 Protective Iron Parts and Operating Platform of Coke Oven
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6.1 General Requirement
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6.4 Installation of Protective Plates
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6.5 Installation of Oven Port Frames and Nog Plate
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6.8 Installation of Platforms on the Coke Pusher Side and Coke Guide Side
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8 Equipment on the Top of Coke Oven
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8.1 Installation of Gas Headers and Liquid Ammonia Pipes
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14 Process Steel Structure and Rails of Coke Dry Quench
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14.2 Installation of Quenching Channel Steel Structure
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14.4 Installation of Guide Rails of Lifting Headframe
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15 Quenching Tank of COQ
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15.1 Installation of Shell Body of Quenching Tank
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15.2 Installation of Air Supply Device
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16 Mechanical Equipment for Charging and Discharging System of COQ
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16.1 Installation of Transverse Tracting Device
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16.2 Installation of Lifting Device
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16.3 Installation of Charging Device
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16.4 Installation of Discharging Device
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17 Mechanical Equipment of Gas Circulating System of COQ
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17.1 General Requirement
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17.2 Installation of Primary Deduster
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17.3 Installation of Secondary Deduster
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18 Auxiliary Equipment of COQ
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18.2 Installation of Elevator Shaft
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18.3 Installation of Demineralized Water Tank
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19 Equipment of Gas Purification and Chemical Recovery
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19.1 General Requirement
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19.2 Assembly of Tower Equipment
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19.3 Site Welding of Tower Equipment
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19.4 Installation of Tower Equipment
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19.6 Assembly of Vessel Equipment
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19.7 Site Welding of Vessel Equipment
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19.8 Installation of Vessel Equipment
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19.10 Welding of Tank Equipment
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19.12 Installation of Mechanical Sedimentation Tank
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20 Test-run of Mechanical Equipment of Coking &Chemical and Thermal-state Operation of Coke Oven
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20.1 General Requirement
更新时间:2020-09-25 15:28:32