第一篇 血液安全法制建设
第一章 血液管理法制建设
第二章 输血行业标准制定
第二篇 无偿献血社会氛围
第一章 无偿献血宣传
第二章 无偿献血促进
第三章 无偿献血志愿服务
第三篇 血站建设与发展
第一章 从业人员
第二章 基础设施
第三章 信息化建设
第四篇 献血招募与血液采集
第一章 献血模式
第二章 献血人群
第三章 血液采集
第五篇 血液检测和质量保证
第一章 血站血液检测
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第二章 室间质量评价
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第三章 质量保证
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第六篇 血液供应和临床用血
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第一章 血液成分供应
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第二章 临床用血
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第七篇 单采血浆站
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第八篇 输血医学科研与教育
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第一章 输血医学科研
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第二章 输血医学教育
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第三章 学术交流与国际合作
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第九篇 不断发展的西藏采供血事业
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第十篇 总结与展望
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第一章 主要成绩
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第二章 面临的挑战
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第三章 展望
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China’s Report on Blood Safety 2018
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Section One Legislative Development for Blood Safety
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Chapter One Legislative Development for Blood Management
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Chapter Two Formulating Industry Standards for Blood Transfusion
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Section Two Social Awareness of Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation
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Chapter One Publicity of Voluntary Non-remunerated Blood Donation
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Chapter Two Promotion of Voluntary Non-remunerated Blood Donation
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Chapter Three Voluntary Non-remunerated Blood Donation
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Section Three Development and Operation of Blood Centers
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Chapter One Employees
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Chapter Two Infrastructure
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Chapter Three Informatization Building
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Section Four The Recruitment of Blood Donors and Blood Collection
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Chapter One Blood Donation Types
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Chapter Two Donor Backgrounds
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Chapter Three Blood Collection
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Section Five Blood Testing and Quality Assurance
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Chapter One Blood Testing at Blood Centers
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Chapter Two External Quality Assessment of Laboratories
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Chapter Three Quality Assurance
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Section Six Blood Supply and Blood for Clinical Use
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Chapter One Blood Components Supply
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Chapter Two Blood for Clinical Use
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Section Seven Plasmapheresis Centers
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Section Eight Transfusion Medicine:Research and Education
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Chapter One Transfusion Medicine:Research and Education
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Chapter Two Transfusion Medicine Education
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Chapter Three Academic Exchange and International Cooperation
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Section Nine The Continuous Development of Blood Collection and Supply in Xizang Zizhiqu
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Section Ten Conclusion and Future Prospects
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Chapter One Main Achievements
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Chapter Two Challenges
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Chapter Three Future Prospects
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更新时间:2022-04-21 15:20:22