
Lord Mustill,in one of his forewords to a book remarked that the writers of forewords often begin by saying,no doubt sincerely,how delighted they have been by the request to contribute and for him it was not only a delight but an honor too. With equal sincerity,I completely echo his words.


The importance of this book can hardly be overstated. Following the adoption of Model Law by India in 1996,there have been significant amendments to the Indian Arbitration Law. The Amendments of 2015 and 2019 aim at fostering India’s position as a hub of International Arbitration. Since theses amendments,it would not be wrong to say that the landscape of arbitration has seen a drastic change. There is a growing realisation and a positive move of arbitrations from ad-hoc arbitrations to institutional arbitrations. India has recently witnessed the emergence of several arbitration institutions that aim to popularize institutional arbitration as an alternative for dispute resolution. One of the underlying objectives behind this trend is to boost confidence among foreign counterparties from jurisdictions that do not share a common law system or preference for ad-hoc arbitration such as China. Chinese companies doing business in India can possibly be one of the largest categories of beneficiaries from such a trend towards institutional arbitration. As the Secretary General of Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration (MCIA),one of most prestigious arbitral institutions in India,I am fortunate to be a witness to such progress and I am proud of the achievements that have been made over the years by the arbitration community in India.


Knowledge about the legal system of a counterparty’s home jurisdiction often boosts trust in commercial dealings. The increasing scale and complexity of economic ties between India and China has created an imperative for stakeholders to increase their awareness about the legal systems of both countries. In this context,a book that aims to educate Chinese readers about the evolution and development of Indian arbitration law is indeed a commendable and a timely initiative.


I am honored to be one of the first readers of this book. Written by leading experts of Indian law,the book discusses and covers in detail all important facets of arbitration in India,the evolution of jurisprudence of arbitration in India against the backdrop of international practices,in a clear and sensible manner. This book is an extensive commentary on the Indian Arbitration Act,1996 as amended in 2015 and 2019 and is a reflection of the maturity now reached by the Indian Arbitration community. It is a painstaking and diligent piece of work that can only be properly discharged by someone both familiar and competent in this field. Li Qin and Santosh Pai must be commended and congratulated for having undertaken this exercise,so well. I recommend this book to all readers interested in Indian arbitration and,in particular,to international practitioners who regularly deal with Indian companies. My only wish is to see further editions of this remarkable book.


Neeti Sachdeva

Secretary General
