- 希利尔讲世界地理(英汉双语)
- (美)希利尔
- 3347字
- 2021-10-29 17:55:03
第5章 “十三州”俱乐部
If you will look at the printing on the nickel you will see it says“United States of America.”That's the full name of our country, but it is too long for us to say United States of America every time, so we usually say just United States or just America or use just the initials U. S.A.
Have you ever seen a picture of a tall man with a suit of clothes that looked as if it had been made out of a flag, with red and white striped breeches, a long-tailed coat, and a tall hat with stars on it?There never was such a man really, but he is supposed to be the picture of the United States. As the initials of the United States are U.S.,some one said they stand for Uncle Sam, so the old fellow dressed in a flag we call Uncle Sam.
The map of the U. S.looks as if it were made like a patch-work quilt of patches of different sizes and shapes.These patches are the States that are United—that means, joined to one another.As a matter of fact, of course, there are no lines between the States.The lines on the map are marked on the ground by stone posts set so far apart that you may cross from one State to another without even knowing when you are in a different State.Each State has towns and cities and country.I live in a city and the city is in the State of Maryland.You may live in a city or a town or in the country in another State.But every one in the U.S.must live in some State unless—I'll

你们有没有见过这样一幅图画,上面是一个身材高高的男子,身穿一套似乎是用一面旗子制成的衣服,下身是红白条纹相间的马裤,上衣则是长长的燕尾服,头上还戴着一顶高高的、上面缀着星形的帽子呢?虽说现实当中根本就没有这样的一个人,可人们却认为,他就是美国的象征哩。由于“合众国”的首字母是U.S.,有人说它是“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)的缩写,因此,我们就把这个身披旗帜的老伙计称为“山姆大叔”,来指代美国人了。

tell you later the few places he may live without being in any State.
Some of the States have straight sides and some have one, two or more crooked sides. Some are big and some are little.The biggest State is Texas, at the bottom, near the center—only we don't say bottom, we say south.The smallest State is Rhode Island, which is not an island at all.It is near the upper right-hand corner—
only we don't say upper right-hand corner, we say northeast. Texas would make more than 200 Rhode Islands.That is, you could put more than 200 Rhode Islands in Texas.
Not so long ago there was no United States. There were only thirteen little States along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean.These States were so small they thought they ought to form a club.There is an old story about a man who wanted to break a bundle of sticks.He tried and he tried but he couldn't break the bundle.Then some one told him to take the bundle apart and break each stick separately;so he did, and broke them easily.The States thought that they, in the same way, might be broken easily if separate, so they tied themselves together like a bundle of sticks in order that they might not be“broken”by an enemy.And so the 13 States formed a 13 club and called themselves the United States.They took as their motto“In Union is Strength,”which means“In one bundle we are strong.”
Now thirteen is generally considered an unlucky number, but these 13 States were not afraid of bad luck. In fact, as the new country had to have a flag, they made a flag with 13 stripes—seven red stripes and six white—and they put a white star for each State in a blue corner of the flag.Other parts of North America thought they'd like to join the club too, and more and more pieces kept on joining until there were forty-eight States, and these States that were united stretched from the Atlantic Ocean on one side to the Pacific Ocean on the other—that is, from where the sun rises from the ocean on one side to where it sets over the ocean on the other.Each time a piece joined the U.S.another star was put in the
corner of the flag, but the number of stripes was not changed, for there would have been too many;so now there are forty-eight stars—that means forty-eight States united into one country. That's why there are on our coins the words“e pluribus unum”,which means“one from many.”
Not all of America joined the club, however. The country north of the U.S.called Canada and the country south of the U.S.called Mexico did not join.And yet the people in Canada are Americans, and the people in Mexico are Americans too, but both Canada and Mexico have different rulers from what we have, for they are different countries.
Though there are very few Indians left in the U. S.,we still use some of their names in naming our States.See if you can pick out some of the States on the map that have Indian names.Maryland and Virginia, of course, are not—for they are girls'names.States beginning with“New”—like New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire—of course are not Indian.They are named after old places in another country.But Minnesota, which means“sky blue water”;Ohio, which means“beautiful river”or“great”;and many others are Indian.
下的另一侧海洋。每当一个地方加入合众国,国旗角上便会增加一颗星星,但国旗上的条纹数却没有变化,因为要是每加入一个州就添加一道条纹的话,那么条纹数就会太多了。因此,如今美国的国旗上就有四十八颗星星,意味着四十八个州联合起来,组成了一个国家。我国的硬币上印着一行拉丁文“e pluribus unum”,意思就是“合众为一”,原因就在这里呢。