- Liferay Beginner’s Guide
- Robert Chen Sandeep Nair Samir Bhatt
- 273字
- 2021-08-27 12:04:25
About the Reviewers
Albert Coronado Calzada is a highly experienced Information Technology professional with more than 12 years of experience in Java EE, high performance web portals, and enterprise software solutions. Albert has studied Information Technology Engineering and has a Master in Economic and Financial Management of companies.
Albert is currently working as a freelance software developer, trainer, and consultant for international customers. Albert is an open source software contributor and has released different applications for Liferay and Android.
Albert lives in Girona(Spain) and maintains a blog at http://www.albertcoronado.com.
Aritz Galdos Otermin studied Computer Engineering at UPV / EHU (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) and Coventry University. Aritz has been working as programmer and software architect since 2005 and has specialized in portal development and deployment.
He is especially interested in open source and enjoys developing portlets and integration tools for Liferay with other open source projects, such as video conferencing tools and Android mobile platforms. He releases his developments in his personal projects page http://sareweb.net.
Jordi Carbonell i Soler after more than eight years working with JEE technologies is currently a JEE Architect specialized in portal environments. His relation with Liferay started in 2007. Since then, he's been working on many Liferay-based portals along all of those projects' stages: from presales and conceptualization to development and installation; usually, integrating them with a wide range of third-party tools, such as Alfresco ECM, Atlassian products, or BPM Engines. Currently, he's working at IN2, one of the first Spanish IT companies who bet on Liferay and Alfresco as trending technologies.