Distributing and merging directory trees

As we saw in the previous chapter, the file resource has a recurse parameter, which allows Puppet to transfer entire directory trees. We used this parameter to copy an admin user's dotfiles into their home directory. In this section, we'll show how to use recurse and another parameter sourceselect to extend our previous example.

How to do it...

Modify our admin user example as follows:

  1. Remove the $dotfiles parameter, remove the condition based on $dotfiles. Add a second source to the home directory file resource:
    define admin_user ($key, $keytype) { 
     $username = $name
     user { $username:
     ensure => present,
     file { "/home/${username}/.ssh":
     ensure => directory,
     mode => '0700',
     owner => $username,
     group => $username,
     require => File["/home/${username}"],
     ssh_authorized_key { "${username}_key":
     key => $key,
     type => "$keytype",
     user => $username,
     require => File["/home/${username}/.ssh"],
     # copy in all the files in the subdirectory
     file { "/home/${username}":
     recurse => true,
     mode => '0700',
     owner => $username,
     group => $username,
     source => [
     'puppet:///modules/admin_user/base' ],
     sourceselect => 'all',
     require => User["$username"],
  2. Create a base directory and copy all the system default files from /etc/skel:
    t@mylaptop ~/puppet/modules/admin_user/files $ cp -a /etc/skel base
  3. Create a new admin_user resource, one that will not have a directory defined:
    node 'cookbook' {
      admin_user {'steven':
        key     => 'AAAAB3N...',
        keytype => 'dsa',
  4. Run Puppet:
    [root@cookbook ~]# puppet agent -t
    Info: Caching catalog for cookbook.example.com
    Info: Applying configuration version '1413787159'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/User[steven]/ensure: created
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/File[/home/steven]/ensure: created
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/File[/home/steven/.bash_logout]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}6a5bc1cc5f80a48b540bc09d082b5855'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/File[/home/steven/.emacs]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}de7ee35f4058681a834a99b5d1b048b3'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/File[/home/steven/.bashrc]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}2f8222b4f275c4f18e69c34f66d2631b'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/File[/home/steven/.bash_profile]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}f939eb71a81a9da364410b799e817202'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/File[/home/steven/.ssh]/ensure: created
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[steven]/Ssh_authorized_key[steven_key]/ensure: created
    Notice: Finished catalog run in 1.11 seconds

How it works...

If a file resource has the recurse parameter set on it, and it is a directory, Puppet will deploy not only the directory itself, but all its contents (including subdirectories and their contents). As we saw in the previous example, when a file has more than one source, the first source file found is used to satisfy the request. This applies to directories as well.

There's more...

By specifying the parameter sourceselect as 'all', the contents of all the source directories will be combined. For example, add thomas admin_user back into your node definition in site.pp for cookbook:

admin_user {'thomas':
    key     => 'ABBA...',
    keytype => 'rsa',

Now run Puppet again on cookbook:

[root@cookbook thomas]# puppet agent -t
Info: Caching catalog for cookbook.example.com
Info: Applying configuration version '1413787770'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bash_profile]/content: content changed '{md5}3e8337f44f84b298a8a99869ae8ca76a' to '{md5}f939eb71a81a9da364410b799e817202'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bash_profile]/group: group changed 'root' to 'thomas'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bash_profile]/mode: mode changed '0644' to '0700'
Notice: /File[/home/thomas/.bash_profile]/seluser: seluser changed 'system_u' to 'unconfined_u'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bash_logout]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}6a5bc1cc5f80a48b540bc09d082b5855'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bashrc]/content: content changed '{md5}db2a20b2b9cdf36cca1ca4672622ddd2' to '{md5}033c3484e4b276e0641becc3aa268a3a'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bashrc]/group: group changed 'root' to 'thomas'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.bashrc]/mode: mode changed '0644' to '0700'
Notice: /File[/home/thomas/.bashrc]/seluser: seluser changed 'system_u' to 'unconfined_u'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[cookbook]/Admin_user[thomas]/File[/home/thomas/.emacs]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}de7ee35f4058681a834a99b5d1b048b3'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.86 seconds

Because we previously applied the thomas admin_user to cookbook, the user existed. The two files defined in the thomas directory on the Puppet server were already in the home directory, so only the additional files, .bash_logout, .bash_profile, and .emacs were created. Using these two parameters together, you can have default files that can be overridden easily.

Sometimes you want to deploy files to an existing directory but remove any files which aren't managed by Puppet. A good example would be if you are using mcollective in your environment. The directory holding client credentials should only have certificates that come from Puppet.

The purge parameter will do this for you. Define the directory as a resource in Puppet:

file { '/etc/mcollective/ssl/clients':
  purge   => true,
  recurse => true,

The combination of recurse and purge will remove all files and subdirectories in /etc/mcollective/ssl/clients that are not deployed by Puppet. You can then deploy your own files to that location by placing them in the appropriate directory on the Puppet server.

If there are subdirectories that contain files you don't want to purge, just define the subdirectory as a Puppet resource, and it will be left alone:

file { '/etc/mcollective/ssl/clients':
  purge => true,
  recurse => true,
file { '/etc/mcollective/ssl/clients/local':
  ensure => directory,


Be aware that, at least in current implementations of Puppet, recursive file copies can be quite slow and place a heavy memory load on the server. If the data doesn't change very often, it might be better to deploy and unpack a tar file instead. This can be done with a file resource for the tar file and an exec, which requires the file resource and unpacks the archive. Recursive directories are less of a problem when filled with small files. Puppet is not a very efficient file server, so creating large tar files and distributing them with Puppet is not a good idea either. If you need to copy large files around, using the Operating Systems packager is a better solution.