Building config files using snippets

Sometimes you can't deploy a whole config file in one piece, yet making line by line edits isn't enough. Often, you need to build a config file from various bits of configuration managed by different classes. You may run into a situation where local information needs to be imported into the file as well. In this example, we'll build a config file using a local file as well as snippets defined in our manifests.

Getting ready

Although it's possible to create our own system to build files from pieces, we'll use the puppetlabs supported concat module. We will start by installing the concat module, in a previous example we installed the module to our local machine. In this example, we'll modify the Puppet server configuration and download the module to the Puppet server.

In your Git repository create an environment.conf file with the following contents:

modulepath = public:modules
manifest = manifests/site.pp

Create the public directory and download the module into that directory as follows:

t@mylaptop ~/puppet $ mkdir public && cd public
t@mylaptop ~/puppet/public $ puppet module install puppetlabs-concat --modulepath=.
Notice: Preparing to install into /home/thomas/puppet/public ...
Notice: Downloading from ...
Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
└─┬ puppetlabs-concat (v1.1.1)
 └── puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.3.2)

Now add the new modules to our Git repository:

t@mylaptop ~/puppet/public $ git add .
t@mylaptop ~/puppet/public $ git commit -m "adding concat"
[production 50c6fca] adding concat
 407 files changed, 20089 insertions(+)

Then push to our Git server:

t@mylaptop ~/puppet/public $ git push origin production

How to do it...

Now that we have the concat module available on our server, we can create a concat container resource in our base module:

  concat {'hosts.allow':
    path => '/etc/hosts.allow',
    mode => 0644

Create a concat::fragment module for the header of the new file:

  concat::fragment {'hosts.allow header':
    target  => 'hosts.allow',
    content => "# File managed by puppet\n",
    order   => '01'

Create a concat::fragment that includes a local file:

  concat::fragment {'hosts.allow local':
    target => 'hosts.allow',
    source => '/etc/hosts.allow.local',
    order  => '10',

Create a concat::fragment module that will go at the end of the file:

  concat::fragment {'hosts.allow tftp':
    target  => 'hosts.allow',
    content => "in.ftpd:\n",
    order   => '50',

On the node, create /etc/hosts.allow.local with the following contents:


Run Puppet to have the file created:

[root@cookbook ~]# puppet agent -t
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1412138600'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Base/Concat[hosts.allow]/File[hosts.allow]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}b151c8bbc32c505f1c4a98b487f7d249'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.29 seconds

Verify the contents of the new file as:

[root@cookbook ~]# cat /etc/hosts.allow
# File managed by puppet

How it works...

The concat resource defines a container that will hold all the subsequent concat::fragment resources. Each concat::fragment resource references the concat resource as the target. Each concat::fragment also includes an order attribute. The order attribute is used to specify the order in which the fragments are added to the final file. Our /etc/hosts.allow file is built with the header line, the contents of the local file, and finally the in.tftpd line we defined.