In this age where almost any piece of information can be found on the internet, it might seem obsolete to come around with the book that's in front of you. Hundreds of pages of information on what a developer would, and I personally think should, like to know about developing in Dynamics NAV, dozens of useful technical tips and tricks, best practices, and a load of references to more, a great asset to any Dynamics NAV development team, and even more. And this is what makes this book something far beyond all the information out there. This book integrates technical Dynamics NAV with functional Dynamics NAV. On contrary to many other technical platforms, Dynamics NAV is first and foremost an ERP platform serving thousands of customers around the world. Any developer with an ambition to start programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV cannot but become an expert in the functional side of it.
Being the first ever author to have written an independent book on how to program Dynamics NAV, Dave Studebaker became a valuable resource to many and a trendsetter in our community in the late days of his professional lpe. With the new rhythm of major releases by Microsoft, Dave, and his co-author, and son, Chris, managed to keep his sibling evolve with the subject it covered so eloquently. Now, a decade after the first version of this book, with NAV on the verge of a major development experience change, Dave has called upon some helping hands from the other side of the Atlantic. Both Mark Brummel and I were honored to be included in this project. Thanks for having us in, Dave and Chris.
And thank you reader for buying this book. May it be as valuable to you as was to many before you.
Luc van Vugt
Microsoft MVP and Co-Founder of NAV-Skills