List page
List pages are the first pages accessed when choosing any menu option to access data. This includes all the entries under the Home button on the Navigation Pane. A List page displays a list of records (rows), one line per record, with each displayed data field in a column.
When a List page is initially selected, it is not editable. When we double-click an entry in a List, either an editable Card page or an editable List page entry is displayed. Examples of this latter behavior are the Reference table pages, such as Post Codes, Territories, and Languages. A List page can also be used to show a list of master records to allow the user to visually scan through the list of records, or to easily choose a record on which to focus.
List pages may optionally include FactBoxes. Some NAV 2017 List pages, such as Customer Ledger Entries (Page 25), allow editing of some fields (for example, Invoice Due Dates) and not of other fields.
The following screenshot shows a typical list page--the Items List, Page 31: