- Mastering Spring 5.0
- Ranga Rao Karanam
- 159字
- 2021-07-02 22:12:10
Writing the Test method
The complete Test method is shown in the following code:
public void basicTest() throws Exception {
.andExpect( content().contentType
string("Welcome to Spring MVC"));
A few important things to note are as follows:
- MockMvc mockMvc.perform: This method executes the request and returns an instance of ResultActions that allows chaining calls. In this example, we are chaining the andExpect calls to check expectations.
- get("/welcome").accept(MediaType.parseMediaType("application/html;charset=UTF-8")): This creates an HTTP get request accepting a response with the media type application/html.
- andExpect: This method is used to check expectations. This method will fail the test if the expectation is not met.
- status().isOk(): This uses ResultMatcher to check whether the response status is that of a successful request - 200.
- content().contentType("application/html;charset=UTF-8")): This uses ResultMatcher to check whether the content type of the response is as specified.
- content().string("Welcome to Spring MVC"): This uses ResultMatcher to check whether the response content contains the specified string.