Creating Spring context

Now that we have DispatcherServlet defined in web.xml, we can go ahead and create our Spring context. Initially, we will create a very simple context without really defining anything concrete:

    <beans > <!-Schema Definition removed --> 
base-package="com.mastering.spring.springmvc" />
<mvc:annotation-driven />

We are defining a component scan for the com.mastering.spring.springmvc package so that all the beans and controllers in this package are created and auto-wired.

Using <mvc:annotation-driven/> initializes support for a number of features that Spring MVC supports such as:

  • Request mapping
  • Exception handling
  • Data binding and validation
  • Automatic conversion (for example, JSON) when the @RequestBody annotation is used

That's all the setup we need to be able to set up a Spring MVC application. We are ready to get started with the first flow.