- Information Security Handbook
- Darren Death
- 158字
- 2021-07-02 21:55:51
Cybercrime is a crime that involves the use of a computer. The computer may have been the target of a cybercrime or it could have been used to conduct a cybercrime. In 2014, a report sponsored by McAfee estimated that cybercrime had damaged the world economy by 445 billion dollars. Cybercrime can be committed by organized criminal gangs as well as inpiduals that have procured the necessary tools:
- Fraud and financial crimes: Fraud is a misrepresentation of fact that is intended to manipulate another into doing or not doing an act that causes a financial loss:
- Fraud can result by the altering, suppressing/destroying, or exfiltration of electronic data
- Forms of computer fraud include identity theft, extortion, and bank fraud
- Cyber extortion: This occurs when an organization is subjected, by electronic means, to repeated attacks whereby the attacker demands money to stop the attacks:
- Forms of cyber extortion include denial of service and ransomware attacks
- The insider threat