DNS Record Scanner and Enumerator

The DNS Record Scanner and Enumerator auxiliary module can be used to gather information about a domain from a given DNS server by performing various DNS queries, such as zone transfers, reverse lookups, SRV record brute forcing, and other techniques.

  1. To run the auxiliary module, we use the use command followed by the module we want to use, in this case,  auxiliary/gather/enum_dns. Then we can use the info command to display information about the module, such as the authors, basic options, and description, as shown here:
  1. To run the module, we need to set the domain name, and to make it run a bit faster, we will set the thread number to 10:
msf > use auxiliary/gather/enum_dns 
msf auxiliary(enum_dns) > set DOMAIN packtpub.com
DOMAIN => packtpub.com
msf auxiliary(enum_dns) > set THREADS 10
msf auxiliary(enum_dns) > run

[+] packtpub.com NS: dns3.easydns.org.
[+] packtpub.com NS: dns2.easydns.net.
[*] Attempting DNS AXFR for packtpub.com from dns1.easydns.com.
W, [2017-10-17T10:04:14.963345 #5091] WARN -- : AXFR query, switching to TCP

include:_spf.freshsales.io a:zgateway.zuora.com include:amazonses.com ~all
[*] querying DNS SRV records for packtpub.com
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(enum_dns) >

Looking at the output, we can see that we are able to obtain several DNS records from the target domain.