How to do it...

  1. The default workspace is selected when connecting to the database, which is represented by the * character before its name:
msf > workspace 
* default
  1. To display the usage for the workspace command, use the -h option as follows:
msf > workspace -h
workspace List workspaces
workspace -v List workspaces verbosely
workspace [name] Switch workspace
workspace -a [name] ... Add workspace(s)
workspace -d [name] ... Delete workspace(s)
workspace -D Delete all workspaces
workspace -r <old> <new> Rename workspace
workspace -h Show this help information
  1. To add a new workspace, use the -a option followed by the name of the workspace:
msf > workspace -a book
[*] Added workspace: book
  1. To list the available workspaces, simply type the workspace command:
msf > workspace 
* book
  1. To delete a workspace, use the -d option followed by the name of the workspace:
msf > workspace -d book 
[*] Deleted workspace: book
[*] Switched workspace: default
  1. To change the current workspace, use the workspace command followed by the name of the workspace you want to change to:
msf > workspace book 
[*] Workspace: book
  1. To rename a workspace, use the workspace command with the -r option followed by the old workspace name and the new workspace name:
msf > workspace -r book metasploit
[*] Switched workspace: metasploit