MSFconsole commands
To display the help menu, simply type the help command inside msfconsole:
msf > help
Core Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
? Help menu
banner Display an awesome metasploit banner
cd Change the current working directory
color Toggle color
connect Communicate with a host
Database Backend Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
db_connect Connect to an existing database
db_disconnect Disconnect from the current database instance
db_export Export a file containing the contents of the
Credentials Backend Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
creds List all credentials in the database
msf >
Looking at the output, it can be intimidating at first; however, we have already learned some of the commands, such as the database backend commands. Now, we will focus on commands that will be most helpful during the exploit phase and learn the remaining commands as we go.
Probably the most helpful command to start with is the search command:
msf > search -h
Usage: search [keywords]
app : Modules that are client or server attacks
author : Modules written by this author
bid : Modules with a matching Bugtraq ID
cve : Modules with a matching CVE ID
edb : Modules with a matching Exploit-DB ID
name : Modules with a matching descriptive name
platform : Modules affecting this platform
ref : Modules with a matching ref
type : Modules of a specific type (exploit, auxiliary, or post)
search cve:2009 type:exploit app:client
msf >