What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Set Up, will be a very basic setup for your local environments. We'll learn to install MongoDB and Robomongo.

Chapter 2, MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs – Part 1, will help you learn how to connect your Node applications to the MongoDB database you've been running on your local machine.

Chapter 3, MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs – Part 2, will help you start playing with Mongoose and connect to our MongoDB database.

Chapter 4, MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs – Part 3, will resolve queries and ID validation after playing with Mongoose.

Chapter 5, Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io, will help you learn in detail about Socket.io and WebSockets, help you and create real-time web applications.

Chapter 6, Generating newMessage and newLocationMessage, discusses how to generate text and gelocation messages.

Chapter 7, Styling Our Chat Page as a Web App, continues our discussion on styling our chat page and make it look more like a real web application.

Chapter 8, The Join Page and Passing Room Data, continues our discussion about the chat page and look into the join page and passing room data.

Chapter 9, ES7 classes, will help you learn the ES6 class syntax and using it creating user's class and some other methods.

Chapter 10, Async/Await Project Setup, will walk you through the process of learning how async/await works.