Multithreading in Python

Python has an API that allow us to write applications with multiple threads. To get started with multithreading, we are going to create a new thread inside a python class and call it This class extends from threading.Thread and contains the code to manage one thread:

import threading
class ThreadWorker(threading.Thread):
# Our workers constructor
def __init__(self):
super(ThreadWorker, self).__init__()
def run(self):
for i in range(10):

Now that we have our thread worker class, we can start to work on our main class. Create a new python file, call it, and put the following code in:

import threading
from ThreadWorker import ThreadWorker

def main():
# This initializes ''thread'' as an instance of our Worker Thread
thread = ThreadWorker()
# This is the code needed to run our thread

if __name__ == "__main__":
Documentation about the threading module is available at