- Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7
- Jason Ventresco
- 310字
- 2021-07-02 14:34:29
Restoring the Horizon Composer database
The Horizon Composer database should be restored using the native Horizon sviconfig.exe command-line tool. This tool is located within the install directory of Horizon Composer, which is at the following location on our sample server: D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware View Composer.
You will need the following information to restore the database:
- The name of your Database Source Name (DSN) connection on the Horizon Connection Server. On our sample server, the name is Composer_Pod1.
- Horizon Composer database username. On our sample server, the name is composer.
- Horizon Composer database password. On our sample server, the password is Password123.
- The backup file path location of the Backup-20181004180731-horcomp01_vjason_local.SVI file referenced in the Backing up the Horizon Composer database section of this chapter. On our sample server, the file is located in C:\Temp.
The Horizon Composer database and Horizon Connection Server AD LDS databases contain related data. If one is being restored, the other should also be restored, using the restore data from the same backup set. Failure to adhere to this rule can lead to database inconsistencies that will require the assistance of VMware Support in order to fix them.
The following steps outline the process used to restore the database, using the information from our sample server:
- Stop the VMware Horizon Composer service.
- From the Command Prompt, navigate to the Horizon Composer installation directory.
- Execute the following command to restore the Horizon Composer database backup. A screenshot that shows the command input is provided after the command:
sviconfig -operation=restoredata -dsnname=Composer_Pod1 - username=composer -password=Password123 - backupfilepath="C:\Temp\Backup-2018-1004180731- horcomp01_vjason_local.SVI."

- The restore process should output several lines of status information. The last few lines of the output are shown in the following screenshot, the last of which indicates that the restore was successful:

- Start the Horizon Composer service.
Horizon Composer is now operating with the restored database.