- WordPress 5 Complete
- Karol Król
- 173字
- 2021-07-02 12:36:53
Protecting content
WordPress gives you the option to hide posts. You can hide a post from everyone but yourself by marking it Private (although the user roles of admin and editor will still see it), or you can hide it from everyone, apart from the people with whom you share a password, by marking it Password Protected.
To implement this, look at the Document tab of the settings sidebar, and locate the Visibility label. Next to it, there's a link that says Public. Once you click on it, you'll see the available options:

If you click on the Private radio button, the post will not show up on the blog at all, unless it's viewed by someone with the role of admin or editor. If you click on the Password Protected radio button, you'll get a box where you can type in a password. Visitors to your blog will see the post title along with a note that they have to type in the password to read the rest of the post.