- Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading
- Stefan Jansen
- 6029字
- 2025-02-27 17:42:46
The machine learning workflow
Developing an ML solution for an algorithmic trading strategy requires a systematic approach to maximize the chances of success while economizing on resources. It is also very important to make the process transparent and replicable in order to facilitate collaboration, maintenance, and later refinements.
The following chart outlines the key steps, from problem definition to the deployment of a predictive solution:

Figure 6.1: Key steps of the machine learning workflow
The process is iterative throughout, and the effort required at different stages will vary according to the project. Generally, however, this process should include the following steps:
- Frame the problem, identify a target metric, and define success.
- Source, clean, and validate the data.
- Understand your data and generate informative features.
- Pick one or more machine learning algorithms suitable for your data.
- Train, test, and tune your models.
- Use your model to solve the original problem.
We will walk through these steps in the following sections using a simple example to illustrate some of the key points.
Basic walkthrough – k-nearest neighbors
The machine_learning_workflow.ipynb notebook in this chapter's folder of this book's GitHub repository contains several examples that illustrate the machine learning workflow using a dataset of house prices.
We will use the fairly straightforward k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm, which allows us to tackle both regression and classification problems. In its default scikit-learn implementation, it identifies the k nearest data points (based on the Euclidean distance) to make a prediction. It predicts the most frequent class among the neighbors or the average outcome in the classification or regression case, respectively.
The README for this chapter on GitHub links to additional resources; see Bhatia and Vandana (2010) for a brief survey.
Framing the problem – from goals to metrics
The starting point for any machine learning project is the use case it ultimately aims to address. Sometimes, this goal will be statistical inference in order to identify an association or even a causal relationship between variables. Most frequently, however, the goal will be the prediction of an outcome to yield a trading signal.
Both inference and prediction tasks rely on metrics to evaluate how well a model achieves its objective. Due to their prominence in practice, we will focus on common objective functions and the corresponding error metrics for predictive models.
We distinguish prediction tasks by the nature of the output: a continuous output variable poses a regression problem, a categorical variable implies classification, and the special case of ordered categorical variables represents a ranking problem.
You can often frame a given problem in different ways. The task at hand may be how to efficiently combine several alpha factors. You could frame this task as a regression problem that aims to predict returns, a binary classification problem that aims to predict the direction of future price movements, or a multiclass problem that aims to assign stocks to various performance classes such as return quintiles.
In the following section, we will introduce these objectives and look at how to measure and interpret related error metrics.
Prediction versus inference
The functional relationship produced by a supervised learning algorithm can be used for inference—that is, to gain insights into how the outcomes are generated. Alternatively, you can use it to predict outputs for unknown inputs.
For algorithmic trading, we can use inference to estimate the statistical association of the returns of an asset with a risk factor. This implies, for instance, assessing how likely this observation is due to noise, as opposed to an actual influence of the risk factor. Prediction, in turn, can be used to forecast the risk factor, which can help predict the asset return and price and be translated into a trading signal.
Statistical inference is about drawing conclusions from sample data about the parameters of the underlying probability distribution or the population. Potential conclusions include hypothesis tests about the characteristics of the distribution of an inpidual variable, or the existence or strength of numerical relationships among variables. They also include the point or interval estimates of metrics.
Inference depends on the assumptions about the process that originally generated the data. We will review these assumptions and the tools that are used for inference with linear models where they are well established. More complex models make fewer assumptions about the structural relationship between input and output. Instead, they approach the task of function approximation with fewer restrictions, while treating the data-generating process as a black box.
These models, including decision trees, ensemble models, and neural networks, have gained in popularity because they often outperform on prediction tasks. However, we will see that there have been numerous recent efforts to increase the transparency of complex models. Random forests, for example, have recently gained a framework for statistical inference (Wager and Athey 2019).
Causal inference – correlation does not imply causation
Causal inference aims to identify relationships where certain input values imply certain outputs—for example, a certain constellation of macro variables causing the price of a given asset to move in a certain way, while assuming all other variables remain constant.
Statistical inference about relationships among two or more variables produces measures of correlation. Correlation can only be interpreted as a causal relationship when several other conditions are met—for example, when alternative explanations or reverse causality has been ruled out.
Meeting these conditions requires an experimental setting where all relevant variables of interest can be fully controlled to isolate causal relationships. Alternatively, quasi-experimental settings expose units of observations to changes in inputs in a randomized way. It does this to rule out that other observable or unobservable features are responsible for the observed effects of the change in the environment.
These conditions are rarely met, so inferential conclusions need to be treated with care. The same applies to the performance of predictive models that also rely on the statistical association between features and outputs, which may change with other factors that are not part of the model.
The non-parametric nature of the KNN model does not lend itself well to inference, so we'll postpone this step in the workflow until we encounter linear models in Chapter 7, Linear Models – From Risk Factors to Return Forecasts.
Regression – popular loss functions and error metrics
Regression problems aim to predict a continuous variable. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) is the most popular loss function and error metric, not least because it is differentiable. The loss is symmetric, but larger errors weigh more in the calculation. Using the square root has the advantage that we can measure the error in the units of the target variable.
The root-mean-square of the log of the error (RMSLE) is appropriate when the target is subject to exponential growth. Its asymmetric penalty weighs negative errors less than positive errors. You can also log-transform the target prior to training the model and then use the RMSE, as we'll do in the example later in this section.
The mean of the absolute errors (MAE) and median of the absolute errors (MedAE) are symmetric but do not give more weight to larger errors. The MedAE is robust to outliers.
The explained variance score computes the proportion of the target variance that the model accounts for and varies between 0 and 1. The R2 score is also called the coefficient of determination and yields the same outcome if the mean of the residuals is 0, but can differ otherwise. In particular, it can be negative when calculated on out-of-sample data (or for a linear regression without intercept).
The following table defines the formulas used for calculation and the corresponding scikit-learn function that can be imported from the metrics module. The scoring parameter is used in combination with automated train-test functions (such as cross_val_score and GridSearchCV), which we'll will introduce later in this section, and which are illustrated in the accompanying notebook:

Figure 6.2 shows the various error metrics for the house price regression that we'll compute in the notebook:

Figure 6.2: In-sample regression errors
The sklearn function also supports multilabel evaluation—that is, assigning multiple outcome values to a single observation; see the documentation referenced on GitHub for more details.
Classification – making sense of the confusion matrix
Classification problems have categorical outcome variables. Most predictors will output a score to indicate whether an observation belongs to a certain class. In the second step, these scores are then translated into actual predictions using a threshold value.
In the binary case, with a positive and a negative class label, the score typically varies between zero and one or is normalized accordingly. Once the scores are converted into predictions of one class or the other, there can be four outcomes, since each of the two classes can be either correctly or incorrectly predicted. With more than two classes, there can be more cases if you differentiate between the several potential mistakes.
All error metrics are computed from the breakdown of predictions across the four fields of the 2×2 confusion matrix that associates actual and predicted classes.
The metrics listed in the following table, such as accuracy, evaluate a model for a given threshold:

Figure 6.3: Confusion matrix and related error metrics
The classifier usually doesn't output calibrated probabilities. Instead, the threshold used to distinguish positive from negative cases is itself a decision variable that should be optimized, taking into account the costs and benefits of correct and incorrect predictions.
All things equal, a lower threshold tends to imply more positive predictions, with a potentially rising false positive rate, whereas for a higher threshold, the opposite is likely to be true.
Receiver operating characteristics the area under the curve
The receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve allows us to visualize, compare, and select classifiers based on their performance. It computes the pairs of true positive rates (TPR) and false positive rates (FPR) that result from using all predicted scores as a threshold to produce class predictions. It visualizes these pairs inside a square with unit side length.
Random predictions (weighted to take into account class imbalance), on average, yield equal TPR and FPR that appear on the diagonal, which becomes the benchmark case. Since an underperforming classifier would benefit from relabeling the predictions, this benchmark also becomes the minimum.
The area under the curve (AUC) is defined as the area under the ROC plot that varies between 0.5 and the maximum of 1. It is a summary measure of how well the classifier's scores are able to rank data points with respect to their class membership. More specifically, the AUC of a classifier has the important statistical property of representing the probability that the classifier will rank a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly chosen negative instance, which is equivalent to the Wilcoxon ranking test (Fawcett 2006). In addition, the AUC has the benefit of not being sensitive to class imbalances.
Precision-recall curves – zooming in on one class
When predictions for one of the classes are of particular interest, precision and recall curves visualize the trade-off between these error metrics for different thresholds. Both measures evaluate the quality of predictions for a particular class. The following list shows how they are applied to the positive class:
- Recall measures the share of actual positive class members that a classifier predicts as positive for a given threshold. It originates from information retrieval and measures the share of relevant documents successfully identified by a search algorithm.
- Precision, in contrast, measures the share of positive predictions that are correct.
Recall typically increases with a lower threshold, but precision may decrease. Precision-recall curves visualize the attainable combinations and allow for the optimization of the threshold, given the costs and benefits of missing a lot of relevant cases or producing lower-quality predictions.
The F1 score is a harmonic mean of precision and recall for a given threshold, and can be used to numerically optimize the threshold, all while taking into account the relative weights that these two metrics should assume.
Figure 6.4 illustrates the ROC curve and corresponding AUC, alongside the precision-recall curve and the F1 score, which, using equal weights for precision and recall, yields an optimal threshold of 0.37. The chart has been taken from the accompanying notebook, where you can find the code for the KNN classifier that operates on binarized housing prices:

Figure 6.4: Receiver-Operating Characteristics, Precision-Recall Curve, and F1 Scores charts
Collecting and preparing the data
We already addressed important aspects of how to source market, fundamental, and alternative data in Chapter 2, Market and Fundamental Data – Sources and Techniques, and Chapter 3, Alternative Data for Finance – Categories and Use Cases. We will continue to work with various examples of these sources as we illustrate the application of the various models.
In addition to market and fundamental data, we will also acquire and transform text data as we explore natural language processing and image data when we look at image processing and recognition. Besides obtaining, cleaning, and validating the data, we may need to assign labels such as sentiment for news articles or timestamps to align it with trading data typically available in a time-series format.
It is also important to store it in a format that enables quick exploration and iteration. We recommend the HDF and parquet formats (see Chapter 2, Market and Fundamental Data – Sources and Techniques). For data that does not fit into memory and requires distributed processing on several machines, Apache Spark is often the best solution for interactive analysis and machine learning.
Exploring, extracting, and engineering features
Understanding the distribution of inpidual variables and the relationships among outcomes and features is the basis for picking a suitable algorithm. This typically starts with visualizations such as scatter plots, as illustrated in the accompanying notebook and shown in Figure 6.5:

Figure 6.5: Pairwise scatter plots of outcome and features
It also includes numerical evaluations ranging from linear metrics like correlation to nonlinear statistics, such as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient that we encountered when we introduced the information coefficient in Chapter 4, Financial Feature Engineering – How to Research Alpha Factors. There are also information-theoretic measures, such as mutual information, which we'll illustrate in the next subsection.
A systematic exploratory analysis is also the basis of what is often the single most important ingredient of a successful predictive model: the engineering of features that extract information contained in the data, but which are not necessarily accessible to the algorithm in their raw form. Feature engineering benefits from domain expertise, the application of statistics and information theory, and creativity.
It relies on smart data transformations that effectively tease out the systematic relationship between input and output data. There are many choices that include outlier detection and treatment, functional transformations, and the combination of several variables, including unsupervised learning. We will illustrate examples throughout, but will emphasize that this central aspect of the ML workflow is best learned through experience. Kaggle is a great place to learn from other data scientists who share their experiences with the community.
Using information theory to evaluate features
The mutual information (MI) between a feature and the outcome is a measure of the mutual dependence between the two variables. It extends the notion of correlation to nonlinear relationships. More specifically, it quantifies the information obtained about one random variable through the other random variable.
The concept of MI is closely related to the fundamental notion of entropy of a random variable. Entropy quantifies the amount of information contained in a random variable. Formally, the mutual information—I(X, Y)—of two random variables, X and Y, is defined as the following:

The sklearn function implements feature_selection.mutual_info_regression, which computes the mutual information between all features and a continuous outcome to select the features that are most likely to contain predictive information. There is also a classification version (see the sklearn documentation for more details). The mutual_information.ipynb notebook contains an application for the financial data we created in Chapter 4, Financial Feature Engineering – How to Research Alpha Factors.
Selecting an ML algorithm
The remainder of this book will introduce several model families, ranging from linear models, which make fairly strong assumptions about the nature of the functional relationship between input and output variables, to deep neural networks, which make very few assumptions. As mentioned in the introductory section, fewer assumptions will require more data with significant information about the relationship so that the learning process can be successful.
We will outline the key assumptions and how to test them where applicable as we introduce these models.
Design and tune the model
The ML process includes steps to diagnose and manage model complexity based on estimates of the model's generalization error. An important goal of the ML process is to obtain an unbiased estimate of this error using a statistically sound and efficient procedure. Key to managing the model design and tuning process is an understanding of how the bias-variance tradeoff relates to under- and overfitting.
The bias-variance trade-off
The prediction errors of an ML model can be broken down into reducible and irreducible parts. The irreducible part is due to random variation (noise) in the data due to, for example, the absence of relevant variables, natural variation, or measurement errors. The reducible part of the generalization error, in turn, can be broken down into errors due to bias and variance.
Both result from discrepancies between the true functional relationship and the assumptions made by the machine learning algorithm, as detailed in the following list:
- Error due to bias: The hypothesis is too simple to capture the complexity of the true functional relationship. As a result, whenever the model attempts to learn the true function, it makes systematic mistakes and, on average, the predictions will be similarly biased. This is also called underfitting.
- Error due to variance: The algorithm is overly complex in view of the true relationship. Instead of capturing the true relationship, it overfits the data and extracts patterns from the noise. As a result, it learns different functional relationships from each sample, and out-of-sample predictions will vary widely.
Underfitting versus overfitting – a visual example
Figure 6.6 illustrates overfitting by measuring the in-sample error of approximations of a sine function by increasingly complex polynomials. More specifically, we draw a random sample with some added noise (n = 30) to learn a polynomial of varying complexity (see the code in the notebook, bias_variance.ipynb). The model predicts new data points, and we capture the mean-squared error for these predictions.
The left-hand panel of Figure 6.6 shows a polynomial of degree 1; a straight line clearly underfits the true function. However, the estimated line will not differ dramatically from one sample drawn from the true function to the next.
The middle panel shows that a degree 5 polynomial approximates the true relationship reasonably well on the interval from about until
. On the other hand, a polynomial of degree 15 fits the small sample almost perfectly, but provides a poor estimate of the true relationship: it overfits to the random variation in the sample data points, and the learned function will vary strongly as a function of the sample:

Figure 6.6: A visual example of overfitting with polynomials
How to manage the bias-variance trade-off
To further illustrate the impact of overfitting versus underfitting, we'll try to learn a Taylor series approximation of the sine function of the ninth degree with some added noise. Figure 6.7 shows the in- and-out-of-sample errors and the out-of-sample predictions for polynomials that underfit, overfit, and provide an approximately correct level of flexibility with degrees 1, 15, and 9, respectively, to 100 random samples of the true function.
The left-hand panel shows the distribution of the errors that result from subtracting the true function values from the predictions. The high bias but low variance of an underfit polynomial of degree 1 compares to the low bias but exceedingly high variance of the errors for an overfitting polynomial of degree 15. The underfit polynomial produces a straight line with a poor in-sample fit that is significantly off-target out of sample. The overfit model shows the best fit in-sample with the smallest dispersion of errors, but the price is a large variance out-of-sample. The appropriate model that matches the functional form of the true model performs, on average, by far the best on out-of-sample data.
The right-hand panel of Figure 6.7 shows the actual predictions rather than the errors to visualize the different types of fit in practice:

Figure 6.7: Errors and out-of-sample predictions for polynomials of different degrees
Learning curves
A learning curve plots the evolution of train and test errors against the size of the dataset used to learn the functional relationship. It helps to diagnose the bias-variance trade-off for a given model, and also answer the question of whether increasing the sample size might improve predictive performance. A model with a high bias will have a high but similar training error, both in-sample and out-of-sample. An overfit model will have a very low training but much higher test errors.
Figure 6.8 shows how the out-of-sample error for the overfitted model declines as the sample size increases, suggesting that it may benefit from additional data or tools to limit the model's complexity, such as regularization. Regularization adds data-driven constraints to the model's complexity; we'll introduce this technique in Chapter 7, Linear Models – From Risk Factors to Return Forecasts.
Underfit models, in contrast, require either more features or need to increase their capacity to capture the true relationship:

Figure 6.8: Learning curves and bias-variance tradeoff
How to select a model using cross-validation
There are usually several candidate models for your use case, and the task of choosing one of them is known as the model selection problem. The goal is to identify the model that will produce the lowest prediction error when given new data.
A good choice requires an unbiased estimate of this generalization error, which, in turn, requires testing the model on data that was not part of model training. Otherwise, the model would have already been able to peek at the "solution" and learn something about the prediction task ahead of time that will inflate its performance.
To avoid this, we only use part of the available data to train the model and set aside another part of the data to validate its performance. The resulting estimate of the model's prediction error on new data will only be unbiased if absolutely no information about the validation set leaks into the training set, as shown in Figure 6.9:

Figure 6.9: Training and test set
Cross-validation (CV) is a popular strategy for model selection. The main idea behind CV is to split the data one or several times. This is done so that each split is used once as a validation set and the remainder as a training set: part of the data (the training sample) is used to train the algorithm, and the remaining part (the validation sample) is used to estimate the algorithm's predictive performance. Then, CV selects the algorithm with the smallest estimated error or risk.
Several methods can be used to split the available data. They differ in terms of the amount of data used for training, the variance of the error estimates, the computational intensity, and whether structural aspects of the data are taken into account when splitting the data, such as maintaining the ratio between class labels.
While the data-splitting heuristic is very general, a key assumption of CV is that the data is independently and identically distributed (IID). In the following section and throughout this book, we will emphasize that time-series data requires a different approach because it usually does not meet this assumption. Moreover, we need to ensure that splits respect the temporal order to avoid lookahead bias. We'll do this by including some information from the future that we aim to predict in the historical training set.
Model selection often involves hyperparameter tuning, which may result in many CV iterations. The resulting validation score of the best-performing model will be subject to multiple testing bias, which reflects the sampling noise inherent in the CV process. As a result, it is no longer a good estimate of the generalization error. For an unbiased estimate of the error rate, we have to estimate the score from a fresh dataset.
For this reason, we use a three-way split of the data, as shown in Figure 6.10: one part is used in cross-validation and is repeatedly split into a training and validation set. The remainder is set aside as a hold-out set that is only used once after, cross-validation is complete to generate an unbiased test error estimate.
We will illustrate this method as we start building ML models in the next chapter:

Figure 6.10: Train, validation, and hold-out test set
How to implement cross-validation in Python
We will illustrate various options for splitting data into training and test sets. We'll do this by showing how the indices of a mock dataset with 10 observations are assigned to the train and test set (see cross_validation.py for details), as shown in following code:
data = list(range(1, 11))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Scikit-learn's CV functionality, which we'll demonstrate in this section, can be imported from sklearn.model_selection.
For a single split of your data into a training and a test set, use train_test_split, where the shuffle parameter, by default, ensures the randomized selection of observations. You can ensure replicability by seeding the random number generator by setting random_state. There is also a stratify parameter, which ensures for a classification problem that the train and test sets will contain approximately the same proportion of each class. The result looks as follows:
train_test_split(data, train_size=.8)
[[8, 7, 4, 10, 1, 3, 5, 2], [6, 9]]
In this case, we train a model using all data except row numbers 6 and 9, which will be used to generate predictions and measure the errors given on the known labels. This method is useful for quick evaluation but is sensitive to the split, and the standard error of the performance measure estimate will be higher.
KFold iterator
The KFold iterator produces several disjunct splits and assigns each of these splits once to the validation set, as shown in the following code:
kf = KFold(n_splits=5)
for train, validate in kf.split(data):
print(train, validate)
[2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [0 1]
[0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9] [2 3]
[0 1 2 3 6 7 8 9] [4 5]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9] [6 7]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [8 9]
In addition to the number of splits, most CV objects take a shuffle argument that ensures randomization. To render results reproducible, set the random_state as follows:
kf = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
for train, validate in kf.split(data):
print(train, validate)
[0 2 3 4 5 6 7 9] [1 8]
[1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9] [0 5]
[0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9] [2 7]
[0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8] [4 9]
[0 1 2 4 5 7 8 9] [3 6]
Leave-one-out CV
The original CV implementation used a leave-one-out method that used each observation once as the validation set, as shown in the following code:
loo = LeaveOneOut()
for train, validate in loo.split(data):
print(train, validate)
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [0]
[0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [1]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9] [8]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] [9]
This maximizes the number of models that are trained, which increases computational costs. While the validation sets do not overlap, the overlap of training sets is maximized, driving up the correlation of models and their prediction errors. As a result, the variance of the prediction error is higher for a model with a larger number of folds.
Leave-P-Out CV
A similar version to leave-one-out CV is leave-P-out CV, which generates all possible combinations of p data rows, as shown in the following code:
lpo = LeavePOut(p=2)
for train, validate in lpo.split(data):
print(train, validate)
[2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [0 1]
[1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [0 2]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8] [7 9]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [8 9]
The ShuffleSplit class creates independent splits with potentially overlapping validation sets, as shown in the following code:
ss = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, test_size=2, random_state=42)
for train, validate in ss.split(data):
print(train, validate)
[4 9 1 6 7 3 0 5] [2 8]
[1 2 9 8 0 6 7 4] [3 5]
[8 4 5 1 0 6 9 7] [2 3]
Challenges with cross-validation in finance
A key assumption for the cross-validation methods discussed so far is the IID distribution of the samples available for training.
For financial data, this is often not the case. On the contrary, financial data is neither independently nor identically distributed because of serial correlation and time-varying standard deviation, also known as heteroskedasticity (see Chapter 7, Linear Models – From Risk Factors to Return Forecasts, and Chapter 9, Time Series Models for Volatility Forecasts and Statistical Arbitrage, for more details). TimeSeriesSplit in the sklearn.model_selection module aims to address the linear order of time-series data.
Time series cross-validation with scikit-learn
The time-series nature of the data implies that cross-validation produces a situation where data from the future will be used to predict data from the past. This is unrealistic at best and data snooping at worst, to the extent that future data reflects past events.
To address time dependency, the TimeSeriesSplit object implements a walk-forward test with an expanding training set, where subsequent training sets are supersets of past training sets, as shown in the following code:
tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=5)
for train, validate in tscv.split(data):
print(train, validate)
[0 1 2 3 4] [5]
[0 1 2 3 4 5] [6]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6] [7]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [8]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] [9]
You can use the max_train_size parameter to implement walk-forward cross-validation, where the size of the training set remains constant over time, similar to how Zipline tests a trading algorithm. Scikit-learn facilitates the design of custom cross-validation methods using subclassing, which we will implement in the following chapters.
Purging, embargoing, and combinatorial CV
For financial data, labels are often derived from overlapping data points because returns are computed from prices across multiple periods. In the context of trading strategies, the result of a model's prediction, which may imply taking a position in an asset, can only be known later when this decision is evaluated—for example, when a position is closed out.
The risks include the leakage of information from the test into the training set, which would very likely artificially inflate performance. We need to address this risk by ensuring that all data is point-in-time—that is, truly available and known at the time it is used as the input for a model. For example, financial disclosures may refer to a certain time period but only become available later. If we include this information too early, our model might do much better in hindsight than it would have under realistic circumstances.
Marcos Lopez de Prado, one of the leading practitioners and academics in the field, has proposed several methods to address these challenges in his book, Advances in Financial Machine Learning (2018). Techniques to adapt cross-validation to the context of financial data and trading include:
- Purging: Eliminate training data points where the evaluation occurs after the prediction of a point-in-time data point in the validation set to avoid look-ahead bias.
- Embargoing: Further eliminate training samples that follow a test period.
- Combinatorial cross-validation: Walk-forward CV severely limits the historical paths that can be tested. Instead, given T observations, compute all possible train/test splits for N<T groups that each maintain their order, and purge and embargo potentially overlapping groups. Then, train the model on all combinations of N-k groups while testing the model on the remaining k groups. The result is a much larger number of possible historical paths.
Prado's Advances in Financial Machine Learning contains sample code to implement these approaches; the code is also available via the new Python library, timeseriescv.
Parameter tuning with scikit-learn and Yellowbrick
Model selection typically involves repeated cross-validation of the out-of-sample performance of models using different algorithms (such as linear regression and random forest) or different configurations. Different configurations may involve changes to hyperparameters or the inclusion or exclusion of different variables.
The Yellowbrick library extends the scikit-learn API to generate diagnostic visualization tools to facilitate the model-selection process. These tools can be used to investigate relationships among features, analyze classification or regression errors, monitor cluster algorithm performance, inspect the characteristics of text data, and help with model selection. We will demonstrate validation and learning curves that provide valuable information during the parameter-tuning phase—see the machine_learning_workflow.ipynb notebook for implementation details.
Validation curves – plotting the impact of hyperparameters
Validation curves (see the left-hand panel in Figure 6.11) visualize the impact of a single hyperparameter on a model's cross-validation performance. This is useful to determine whether the model underfits or overfits the given dataset.
In our example of KNeighborsRegressor, which only has a single hyperparameter, the number of neighbors is k. Note that model complexity increases as the number of neighbors drop because the model can now make predictions for more distinct areas in the feature space.
We can see that the model underfits for values of k above 20. The validation error drops as we reduce the number of neighbors and make our model more complex. For values below 20, the model begins to overfit as training and validation errors perge and average out-of-sample performance quickly deteriorates:

Figure 6.11: Validation and learning curves
Learning curves – diagnosing the bias-variance trade-off
The learning curve (see the right-hand panel of Figure 6.11 for our house price regression example) helps determine whether a model's cross-validation performance would benefit from additional data, and whether the prediction errors are more driven by bias or by variance.
More data is unlikely to improve performance if training and cross-validation scores converge. At this point, it is important to evaluate whether the model performance meets expectations, determined by a human benchmark. If this is not the case, then you should modify the model's hyperparameter settings to better capture the relationship between the features and the outcome, or choose a different algorithm with a higher capacity to capture complexity.
In addition, the variation of train and test errors shown by the shaded confidence intervals provides clues about the bias and variance sources of the prediction error. Variability around the cross-validation error is evidence of variance, whereas variability for the training set suggests bias, depending on the size of the training error.
In our example, the cross-validation performance has continued to drop, but the incremental improvements have shrunk, and the errors have plateaued, so there are unlikely to be many benefits from a larger training set. On the other hand, the data is showing substantial variance given the range of validation errors compared to that shown for the training errors.
Parameter tuning using GridSearchCV and pipeline
Since hyperparameter tuning is a key ingredient of the machine learning workflow, there are tools to automate this process. The scikit-learn library includes a GridSearchCV interface that cross-validates all combinations of parameters in parallel, captures the result, and automatically trains the model using the parameter setting that performed best during cross-validation on the full dataset.
In practice, the training and validation set often requires some processing prior to cross-validation. Scikit-learn offers the Pipeline to also automate any feature-processing steps while using GridSearchCV.
You can look at the implementation examples in the included machine_learning_workflow.ipynb notebook to see these tools in action.