- Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading
- Stefan Jansen
- 1515字
- 2025-02-27 17:42:43
From signals to trades – Zipline for backtests
The open source library Zipline is an event-driven backtesting system. It generates market events to simulate the reactions of an algorithmic trading strategy and tracks its performance. A particularly important feature is that it provides the algorithm with historical point-in-time data that avoids look-ahead bias.
The library has been popularized by the crowd-sourced quantitative investment fund Quantopian, which uses it in production to facilitate algorithm development and live-trading.
In this section, we'll provide a brief demonstration of its basic functionality. Chapter 8, The ML4T Workflow – From Model to Strategy Backtesting, contains a more detailed introduction to prepare us for more complex use cases.
How to backtest a single-factor strategy
You can use Zipline offline in conjunction with data bundles to research and evaluate alpha factors. When using it on the Quantopian platform, you will get access to a wider set of fundamental and alternative data. We will also demonstrate the Quantopian research environment in this chapter, and the backtesting IDE in the next chapter. The code for this section is in the 01_factor_research_evaluation sub-directory of the GitHub repo folder for this chapter, including installation instructions and an environment tailored to Zipline's dependencies.
For installation, please see the instructions in this chapter's README on GitHub. After installation and before executing the first algorithm, you need to ingest a data bundle that, by default, consists of Quandl's community-maintained data on stock prices, pidends, and splits for 3,000 US publicly traded companies.
You need a Quandl API key to run the following code, which stores the data in your home folder under ~/.zipline/data/<bundle>:
$ QUANDL_API_KEY=<yourkey> zipline ingest [-b <bundle>]
A single alpha factor from market data
We are first going to illustrate the Zipline alpha factor research workflow in an offline environment. In particular, we will develop and test a simple mean-reversion factor that measures how much recent performance has deviated from the historical average.
Short-term reversal is a common strategy that takes advantage of the weakly predictive pattern that stock prices are likely to revert back to a rolling mean over horizons from less than 1 minute to 1 month. See the notebook single_factor_zipline.ipynb for details.
To this end, the factor computes the z-score for the last monthly return relative to the rolling monthly returns over the last year. At this point, we will not place any orders to simply illustrate the implementation of a CustomFactor and record the results during the simulation.
Zipline includes numerous built-in factors for many common operations (see the Quantopian documentation linked on GitHub for details). While this is often convenient and sufficient, in other cases, we want to transform our available data differently. For this purpose, Zipline provides the CustomFactor class, which offers a lot of flexibility for us to specify a wide range of calculations. It does this using the various features available for the cross-section of securities and custom lookback periods using NumPy.
To this end, after some basic settings, MeanReversion subclasses CustomFactor and defines a compute() method. It creates default inputs of monthly returns over an also default year-long window so that the monthly_return variable will have 252 rows and one column for each security in the Quandl dataset on a given day.
The compute_factors() method creates a MeanReversion factor instance and creates long, short, and ranking pipeline columns. The former two contain Boolean values that can be used to place orders, and the latter reflects that overall ranking to evaluate the overall factor performance. Furthermore, it uses the built-in AverageDollarVolume factor to limit the computation to more liquid stocks:
from zipline.api import attach_pipeline, pipeline_output, record
from zipline.pipeline import Pipeline, CustomFactor
from zipline.pipeline.factors import Returns, AverageDollarVolume
from zipline import run_algorithm
MONTH, YEAR = 21, 252
class MeanReversion(CustomFactor):
"""Compute ratio of latest monthly return to 12m average,
normalized by std dev of monthly returns"""
inputs = [Returns(window_length=MONTH)]
window_length = YEAR
def compute(self, today, assets, out, monthly_returns):
df = pd.DataFrame(monthly_returns)
out[:] = df.iloc[-1].sub(df.mean()).p(df.std())
def compute_factors():
"""Create factor pipeline incl. mean reversion,
filtered by 30d Dollar Volume; capture factor ranks"""
mean_reversion = MeanReversion()
dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=30)
return Pipeline(columns={'longs' : mean_reversion.bottom(N_LONGS),
'shorts' : mean_reversion.top(N_SHORTS),
The result will allow us to place long and short orders. In the next chapter, we will learn how to build a portfolio by choosing a rebalancing period and adjusting portfolio holdings as new signals arrive.
The initialize() method registers the compute_factors() pipeline, and the before_trading_start() method ensures the pipeline runs on a daily basis. The record() function adds the pipeline's ranking column, as well as the current asset prices, to the performance DataFrame returned by the run_algorithm() function:
def initialize(context):
"""Setup: register pipeline, schedule rebalancing,
and set trading params"""
attach_pipeline(compute_factors(), 'factor_pipeline')
def before_trading_start(context, data):
"""Run factor pipeline"""
context.factor_data = pipeline_output('factor_pipeline')
assets = context.factor_data.index
record(prices=data.current(assets, 'price'))
Finally, define the start and end Timestamp objects in UTC terms, set a capital base, and execute run_algorithm() with references to the key execution methods. The performance DataFrame contains nested data, for example, the prices column consists of a pd.Series for each cell. Hence, subsequent data access is easier when stored in pickle format:
start, end = pd.Timestamp('2015-01-01', tz='UTC'), pd.Timestamp('2018-
01-01', tz='UTC')
capital_base = 1e7
performance = run_algorithm(start=start,
We will use the factor and pricing data stored in the performance DataFrame to evaluate the factor performance for various holding periods in the next section, but first, we'll take a look at how to create more complex signals by combining several alpha factors from a perse set of data sources on the Quantopian platform.
Built-in Quantopian factors
The accompanying notebook factor_library_quantopian.ipynb contains numerous example factors that are either provided by the Quantopian platform or computed from data sources available using the research API from a Jupyter Notebook.
There are built-in factors that can be used in combination with quantitative Python libraries—in particular, NumPy and pandas—to derive more complex factors from a broad range of relevant data sources such as US equity prices, Morningstar fundamentals, and investor sentiment.
For instance, the price-to-sales ratio is available as part of the Morningstar fundamentals dataset. It can be used as part of a pipeline that will be further described as we introduce the Zipline library.
Combining factors from perse data sources
The Quantopian research environment is tailored to the rapid testing of predictive alpha factors. The process is very similar because it builds on Zipline but offers much richer access to data sources. The following code sample illustrates how to compute alpha factors not only from market data, as done previously, but also from fundamental and alternative data. See the notebook multiple_factors_quantopian_research.ipynb for details.
Quantopian provides several hundred Morningstar fundamental variables for free and also includes Stocktwits signals as an example of an alternative data source. There are also custom universe definitions such as QTradableStocksUS, which applies several filters to limit the backtest universe to stocks that were likely tradeable under realistic market conditions:
from quantopian.research import run_pipeline
from quantopian.pipeline import Pipeline
from quantopian.pipeline.data.builtin import USEquityPricing
from quantopian.pipeline.data.morningstar import income_statement,
operation_ratios, balance_sheet
from quantopian.pipeline.data.psychsignal import stocktwits
from quantopian.pipeline.factors import CustomFactor,
SimpleMovingAverage, Returns
from quantopian.pipeline.filters import QTradableStocksUS
We will use a custom AggregateFundamentals class to use the last reported fundamental data point. This aims to address the fact that fundamentals are reported quarterly, and Quantopian does not currently provide an easy way to aggregate historical data, say, to obtain the sum of the last four quarters, on a rolling basis:
class AggregateFundamentals(CustomFactor):
def compute(self, today, assets, out, inputs):
out[:] = inputs[0]
We will again use the custom MeanReversion factor from the preceding code. We will also compute several other factors for the given universe definition using the rank() method's mask parameter:
def compute_factors():
universe = QTradableStocksUS()
profitability = (AggregateFundamentals(inputs=
window_length=YEAR) /
roic = operation_ratios.roic.latest.rank(mask=universe)
ebitda_yield = (AggregateFundamentals(inputs=
window_length=YEAR) /
mean_reversion = MeanReversion().rank(mask=universe)
price_momentum = Returns(window_length=QTR).rank(mask=universe)
sentiment = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[stocktwits.bull_minus_bear],
factor = profitability + roic + ebitda_yield + mean_reversion +
price_momentum + sentiment
return Pipeline(
columns={'Profitability' : profitability,
'ROIC' : roic,
'EBITDA Yield' : ebitda_yield,
"Mean Reversion (1M)": mean_reversion,
'Sentiment' : sentiment,
"Price Momentum (3M)": price_momentum,
'Alpha Factor' : factor})
This algorithm simply averages how the six inpidual factors rank each asset to combine their information. This is a fairly naive method that does not account for the relative importance and incremental information each factor may provide when predicting future returns. The ML algorithms of the following chapters will allow us to do exactly this, using the same backtesting framework.
Execution also relies on run_algorithm(), but the return DataFrame on the Quantopian platform only contains the factor values created by the Pipeline. This is convenient because this data format can be used as input for Alphalens, the library that's used for the evaluation of the predictive performance of alpha factors.
Using TA-Lib with Zipline
The TA-Lib library includes numerous technical factors. A Python implementation is available for local use, for example, with Zipline and Alphalens, and it is also available on the Quantopian platform. The notebook also illustrates several technical indicators available using TA-Lib.