- 中国农村大龄未婚男性:性现状、性风险和性安全
- 张群林 李树茁 (法)阿塔尼·伊莎贝拉
- 342字
- 2025-02-25 19:41:34
The increased sex ratio at birth (SRB) in China has led to gender imbalance of marriageable population and a serious surplus men in the context of lower fertility rate. Forced male bachelors,whose socio-economic status are the lowest in the society,often are the direct victims of marriage squeeze. When many researches are focusing on whether surplus men will threat public security and social stability,their sexuality is less studied. As a new vulnerable group,the sexuality of forced male bachelors is worsen for the lack of marriage. That not only will damage their health welfare,but will challenge and pose a threat to the social reproductive health and event to the whole society in China by exacerbating the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Yet there are few in-depth and systematic researches on the sexuality of forced male bachelors by marriage squeeze in rural China. Quantitative researches about forced male bachelors are lack on the current status,risk level,and the influence mechanism of risk sexual behaviors and safe sexual behaviors.
Based on the system of engineering conception and analytical methods and the interpretations of sexuality by social construction,integrated the research results of social-psychology on sexuality,this book establishes an analysis framework of sexuality from three dimensions-which are psychological dimension,subjective construction dimension,and social influence dimension-for this group. Used the data from sample survey conducted in Anhui Juchao county,this book has revealed the current status of sexuality of rural forced male bachelors multidimensionally. And conducts emperical studies on the influence mechanisms of risk sexual behaviors and safe sex intention from psychological,subjective construction and social factors,and proposes specific measurements and methods of public administration for them. It provides theoretical support for public administration to forced male bachelors. If the differnces between them are ignored and the same intervention measurements are implemented,the intervention targets would be hard to achieve. That's the main reason why some intervention projects fail.