2 Terms

2.0.1 Acceptance

Based on quality inspection and evaluation of structure for mobile communication steel tower and mast conducted by the construction organization itself,relevant organizations engaged in construction jointly conduct sampling re-inspection on the quality of inspection lots,sub-items,subprojects and unit projects,and confirm in writing whether the engineering quality is acceptable according to relevant standards.

2.0.2 Site acceptance

Inspect materials,components and parts,equipment allowed into the construction site according to relevant standards,and confirm whether products are acceptable.

2.0.3 Inspection lot

The inspection item collected which is produced under the same conditions or in the specified way and consists of samples of a certain quantity.

2.0.4 Inspection

Conducting measurement,inspection and test,etc,concerning the performance of inspection items,and comparing the result with standard requirements so as to check whether each performance is acceptable.

2.0.5 Evidential testing

Testing conducted by the testing organization with the corresponding qualifications to which samples are delivered by relevant personnel of the construction organization after the personnel take samples on site under the supervision of supervision company or owner.

2.0.6 Handing-over inspection

Both construction undertaker and completer perform inspection and confirm whether the construction can be continued.

2.0.7 Dominant items

Inspection items of the structure for mobile communication steel tower and mast which play the decisive role in safety,health,environmental protection and public interests.

2.0.8 General items

Inspection items other than Dominant items.

2.0.9 Sampling inspection

Inspection conducted by randomly taking certain quantity of samples from materials,components and parts,equipment which enter the site or inspection items concerning the structure for mobile communication steel tower and mast on the basis of inspection lot according to the specified sampling scheme.

2.0.10 Sampling scheme

Sampling quantity and method determined by the characteristics of inspection items.

2.0.11 Counting inspection

Inspection method for recording some attribute in each individual or calculating the defective number of each individual among samples.

2.0.12 Quantitative inspection

Inspection method for measuring some quantitative characteristic of each individual among samples.

2.0.13 Quality of appearance

Apparent engineering quality reflected through observation and necessary measurement.

2.0.14 Repair

Measures taken for substandard engineering parts,including repair.

2.0.15 Rework

Measures taken for unqualified engineering parts,including re-fabrication and re-construction.

2.0.16 Part

The smallest unit which constitutes component or element,such as gusset plate and stiffening plate.

2.0.17 Component

The unit which is composed of several parts,such as welded tower foot,etc..

2.0.18 Element

The basic unit of steel structure which consists of parts or parts and components,such as rod-body of tower section and mast for steel pole communication tower.

2.0.19 Test assembling

Assembling for testing whether tower elements satisfy the installation quality requirements.

2.0.20 Ambient temperature

Onsite temperature at the time of fabrication or installation.

2.0.21 Hop dip galvanizing

The technological process and method that pretreated steel work is immersed into molten galvanizing zinc and zinc coating forms on its surface.