- 清华创新经典丛书·三螺旋创新模式:亨利·埃茨科维兹文选
- (美)亨利·埃茨科维兹(Henry Etzkowitz)
- 449字
- 2021-04-02 22:23:33
[1]Bush V. Pieces of the Action[M]. New York: Morrow, 1970.
[2]Etzkowitz H. The Second Academic Revolution[M]//Cozzens S, Healey P. The Research System in Transition Amsterdam: Kluvde, 1990.
[3]Etzkowitz H. Enterprises from science: the prigins of science-based regional economic development[J]. Minerva, 1993, 31: 326-360.
[4]Etzkowitz H. Technology centers and industrial policy: the emergence of the interventionist state in the USA[J]. Science and Public Policy, 1994a, 21: 79-87.
[5]Etzkowitz H. Knowledge as property: the Massachussetts institute of technology and the debate over academic patent policy[J]. Minerva, 1994b, 32: 383-421.
[6]Etzkowitz H. Beyond the frontier: the convergence of military and civilian R&D in the U. S.[J]. Science Studies, 1994c, 94(2): 5-22.
[7]Etzkowitz H. The turn to universities and SME's: the emergence of the “triple heiix” in Scandinavia[J]. Technology Access Report, 1995, 8(11): 10-11.
[8]Etzkowitz H, Andrew W. Science as Intellectual Property[M]//Handbook of science and technology studies. Sage: Beverly Hills, 1994: 480-505.
[9]Faulkner W, Jacqueline S. Knowledge Frontiers: Public Sector Research and Industrial Innovation in Biotechnology, Engineering Ceramics, and Parallel Computing[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
[10]Feller I. Universities as engines of R&D based economic growth—they think they can[J]. Research Policy, 1990, 19: 335-348.
[11]Guston D, Kenneth K. The Fragile Contract[M]. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994.
[12]Hofstadter R, Wilson S. American Higher Education: A Documentary History, Volume Two[M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.
[13]Jencks C, David R. The Academic Revolution[M]. New York: Doubleday, 1968.
[14]Kloppenberg J. First the Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology: 1492-2000[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
[15]Kohler R. Warren weaver and the rockefeller foundation program in molecular biology: a case study in the management of science[M]//Reingold N. The sciences in the american context: new perspectives. Washington DC: The Smithsonian Institution, 1979.
[16]Latker N, patent counsel, Dept of Health, Education and Welfare, House subcommittee on Science, Research and technology, May 2695th Congress, 1st session. P, 81977.
[17]National Science Board, the National Science Foundation, University-Industry Research Relations Washington D. C U. S. Government Printing Office, 1982.
[18]Office of Technology Assessment. Federally Funded Research: Decisions for a Decade. Washington DC, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1991.
[19]Office of Technology Assessment. Pharmaceutical R&D: Costs, Risks and Rewards. Washington DC U. S. Government Printing Office, 1993.
[20]Owen L. The counterproductive management of science in the second world war: vannevar bush and the office of scientific research and development[J]. Business History Review, 1994, 68: 515-576.
[21]Pursell C. Science Agencies in World War II: The OSRD and Its Challengers[M]//Reingold N. The sciences in the american context; new perspectives. Washington DC: The Smithsonian Institution, 1979.
