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- 2020-06-24 17:49:27
让儿童爱上古典音乐 Getting Children Interested in Classical Music
News Background 新闻导读
古典音乐(classical music)是指那些从巴洛克时期开始一直到20世纪早期,在欧洲文化传统背景下创作的,有别于通俗和民族的经典音乐。它是一个独立的流派,艺术手法讲求洗练,追求理性地表达情感。广义的古典音乐是指西洋古典音乐。那些从西方中世纪开始至今的、在欧洲主流文化背景下创作的音乐;狭义的古典音乐是指古典主义音乐,是1750~1820年这一段时间的欧洲主流音乐,又称维也纳古典乐派。此乐派三位最著名的作曲家是海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬。事实上,很多西方古典音乐最早都是来自于为宗教仪式庆典而写的音乐。当时的人们对基督的信仰与崇拜,直接影响到了当时社会的政治与音乐,当时的音乐只是纯粹的宗教用途,只限于在教堂中演唱,没有乐器,但是却对后来的音乐发展起到了重要的作用。

News Transcript 新闻正文
The BBC is launching an ambitious project to get Britain's children interested in classical music.They selected 10 pieces,some very well-known and some not so.And the initiative will be launched on October 6th.There will be cinema screening with workshops in schools,DVDs and so on.There will also be 10 pieces ambassadors.So what made her interested in classical music as a child?
“I just knew that I love the sound of it.And it's just extraordinary to me.”“Is it true that music isn't widely taught in many British schools now?”“I think it's not.I mean,an increasing number of schools in Britain don't have specialist music teachers any more.Music is not automatically part of the curriculum.And I think there is a bit of feeling among young people and indeed among some teachers that classical music is a bit dull and dry.So this project I think really does have the potential to excite people because it makes classical music seem incredibly exciting.The BBC has produced wonderful flm,soundtrack provided by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales that can't help but bring young children,primary school children,age between 5 and 11 into the exciting world of fne music.”
“And I think it is needed.Both of my young children play the trumpet,clarinet.But when you talk to them about classical music and I discuss this with them,they do think it's dull and you know,just jazz they want to play.”
“Or pop music.Yeah.And yet you know,we were talking on my program this morning about frst time that people went to a concert hall and heard a live orchestra.And I was saying I wish I could experience that again.I remember doing it when I was 7 or 8 and just being blown away by the sound of full scale hundred piece orchestra,exciting to watch as well as listen.So we can just get young people to get that experience,even if it's not frst-hand.That's very exciting.”
“Let's hear some of the pieces then,some very well-known.That's great.That is exciting.”
“Well,absolutely.See,I think that's one of the things that makes it clear this is a project for British school children.It does have some very British things on it.Well,I guess it would be a very different top 10 list if it was being done in the United States,for example,where Bernstein or Copland might play a role in it.But I think they've come up with a great choice of 10 refecting different ages,different musical styles.And there really is something I think for all children there to engage them with music.”
Translaton 参考译文
Listening Comprehension 听力理解
1.Why is the BBC launching an ambitious project?
2.Music is not______part of the curriculum.
3.I remember doing it when I was 7 or 8 and just being blown away by the sound of full scale_______piece orchestra,exciting to watch as well as listen.
A.hundred of B.hundred C.hundreds
Hot Words 新闻热词
Listening Analysis 精彩解析
1.So what made her interested in classical music as a child?
be interested in对……感兴趣
例句 I am interested in playing basketball.
I'm not at all interested in what you say.
2.I remember doing it when I was 7 or 8 and just being blown away by the sound of full scale hundred piece orchestra,exciting to watch as well as listen.
the sound of……的声音
例句 The sound of her footsteps died away.
He heard the sound of rife fre and alerted the police.
1.The BBC is launching an ambitious project to get Britain's children interested in classical music.