第一部分 六十年的历史:查无此局


——卡特·克拉克(Carter Clarke)

前信号情报处(SIS)主任“They're yourfriends today and they're your enemies tomorrow,and when they're on your sidefind out as much as you can about them because you can't when they become your enemy”(J.Bamford,The Puzzle Palace.A Report on America's Most Secret Agency,NewYork,Penguin Books Ltd,1983,p.65).



美国第34任总统“It would be extremely valuable ifwe could break the Soviet codes”(J.Bamford,Body of Secrets.Anatomy ofthe Ultra-Secret National Security Agencyfrom the Cold War through the Dawn ofa New Century,New York,Anchor,2002,p.356).



美国国家安全局前局长(1999—2005年)“It was the whole net by which we move,use,abuse,process-everything we do with information here at Fort Meade went down.Everything![…]The NSA Headquarters wasbraindead[…].We were dark”(J.Bamford,Body of Secrets,op.cit.,p.452;J.Bamford,The Shadow Factory,op.cit.,p.34-35).