项目地点:伊斯坦布尔,苏库尔库马 设计:Autoban
LOCATION: Cukurcuma, Istanbul DESIGN: Autoban
Galatasaray酒店是咖啡馆连锁店The House Café的第一家酒店项目,位于苏库尔库马 —— 贝伊奥卢的波希米亚地区,以其诡异的古店著称。Autoban公司保留了Zenovich大厦原有的特性,突出其原有的本质,以影射Zenovich大厦建造和设计的年代;同时,Autoban公司还引入了现代的质感,如六角形多孔顶棚镶板和定制的家具,旨在创造一个在历史悠久的贝伊奥卢都市风景中传递现代感的室内空间。
THH Galatasaray, The House Cafe chain's first hotel project is located in Cukurcuma, a Bohemian quarter of Beyoglu famous for its quirky antique shops. Autoban maintained the character of the Zenovich building, bringing out its original qualities to reflect the time it was designed whilst developing modern texturtes such as hexagonally perforated ceiling, panelling and costom-made furniture to form interiors which convey a contemporary feel within the historic Beyoglu cityscape.