Word List 1


divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/

 v. 泄露

 to make known(something private or secret)

inadvertent /ˌɪnədˈvɜːrtənt/

 adj. 粗心的,不留意的

 marked by or resulting from carelessness; negligent

 adj. 无意的

 not deliberate or considered; unintentional

panegyric /ˌpænəˈdʒɪrɪk/

 n. 赞文,赞美

 a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment

draconian /drəˈkoʊniən/

 adj. 极其严苛的

 exceedingly harsh or very severe

hodgepodge /ˈhɑːdʒpɑːdʒ/

 n. 混杂物,混合物

 a mixture of different things

incontrovertible /ˌɪnkɑːntrəˈvɜːrtəbl/

 adj. 不容置疑的

 impossible to dispute

impartial /ɪmˈpɑːrʃl/

 adj. 公正的,不偏不倚的

 not partial or biased

endemic /enˈdemɪk/

 adj. 地方性的,流行的

 prevalent in or limited to a particular locality, region or people

 adj. 常见的(问题、情形)

 common in or inherent to an enterprise or situation

minuscule /ˈmɪnəskjuːl/

 adj. 微小的

 very small and tiny

lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/

 adj. 盈利的,赚钱的

 producing wealth

compensate /ˈkɑːmpenseɪt/

 v. 弥补

 to offset an error, defect or undesired effect

 v. 抵消

 to serve as or provide a substitute or counter balance

discursive /dɪsˈkɜːrsɪv/

 adj. 杂乱无章的

 moving from topic to topic without order; rambling

 adj. 理性的

 marked by analytical reasoning

presuppose /ˌpriːsəˈpoʊz/

 v. 假定

 to require as an antecedent in logic or fact

intermediary /ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri/

 n. /adj. (作为)中间人(的)

 adj. acting as a mediator

derogate /ˈderəɡeɪt/

 v. 贬低

 to cause to seem inferior

overbearing /ˌoʊvərˈberɪŋ/

 adj. 专横的,压倒性的

 often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way

zealous /ˈzeləs/

 adj. 对(某人或偶像)狂热的

 marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause or an ideal

extraneous /ɪkˈstreɪniəs/

 adj. 不重要的,不相关的

 not important

 adj. 外部的

 coming from the outside

rehash /ˈriːhæʃ/

 v. (没有实质改变地)重提

 to bring forth again in another form without significant alteration

perfunctory /pərˈfʌŋktəri/

 adj. 不走心的

 acting with indifference, showing little interest or care

compound /ˈkɑːmpaʊnd/

 v. 混合,合成

 to form by combining separate things

 v. 使…变糟糕

 to make worse

envy /ˈenvi/

 v. 嫉妒

 to feel a desire to have what someone else has

defensive /dɪˈfensɪv/

 adj. 被动防守的,防御的

 in a situation which you are forced to defend or protect someone or something

unbounded /ʌnˈbaʊndɪd/

 adj. 不受限制的,无限的

 not limited in any way

specious /ˈspiːʃəs/

 adj. 似是而非的

 falsely appearing to be right

aimless /ˈeɪmləs/

 adj. 漫无目的的

 not having a goal or purpose

ingenuous /ɪnˈdʒenjuəs/

 adj. 纯朴的,真诚的

 having or showing the innocence, trust and honesty that young people often have

intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/

 adj. 核心的,内在的

 belonging to the essential nature of a thing

inevitable /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/

 adj. 不可避免的,必然的

 sure to happen

intransigent /ɪnˈtrænzɪdʒənt/

 adj. 不妥协的,固执的

 completely unwilling to change

detached /dɪˈtætʃt/

 adj. 不受感情影响的,公正的

 not influenced by emotions or personal interest

 adj. 脱离的

 not joined or connected

inveterate /ɪnˈvetərət/

 adj. 根深蒂固的

 firmly and long established; deep-rooted

 adj. 习惯性的

 persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual

backhanded /ˌbækˈhændɪd/

 adj. 不直接的

 oblique or indirect

 adj. 含沙射影的,讽刺挖苦的

 having derogatory or insulting implications

affable /ˈæfəbl/

 adj. 和蔼可亲的

 easy and pleasant to speak to

whimsy /ˈwɪmzi/

 n. 突发奇想

 an unusual, unexpected or fanciful idea

tenacious /təˈneɪʃəs/

 adj. 坚定的

 very determined to do something

 adj. 持续的

 continuing for a long time

sardonic /sɑːrˈdɑːnɪk/

 adj. 嘲讽的,讥笑的

 scornfully or cynically mocking

skullduggery /skʌlˈdʌɡəri/

 n. 欺骗,作假

 secret or dishonest behavior or activity

legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/

 adj. 合法的

 being in compliance with the law

 adj. 合理的

 valid or justifiable

 v. 使…合理,合法

 to make(something)real, accepted or official; to show that(something)is fair or reasonable

plagiarize /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/

 v. 抄袭

 to reproduce or otherwise use as one's own

disavow /ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ/

 v. 否认

 to say that you are not responsible for

deplete /dɪˈpliːt/

 v. 耗尽

 to use most or all of

ridicule /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/

 v. 嘲笑,耻笑

 to laugh at and make jokes about

undermine /ˌʌndərˈmaɪn/

 v. 削弱

 to make(someone or something)weaker or less effective

self-serving /selfˈsɜːrvɪŋ/

 adj. 自私的

 having or showing concern only about your own needs and interests

perishable /ˈperɪʃəbl/

 adj. 易消亡的,易腐烂的

 likely to spoil or decay quickly

capricious /kəˈprɪʃəs/

 adj. 变化多端的

 changing often and quickly

egotism /ˈiːɡoʊɪzəm/

 n. 自大

 an inflated sense of one's own importance

unqualified /ˌʌnˈkwɑːlɪfaɪd/

 adj. 完全的

 complete or total

 adj. 不合格的

 not having the skills, knowledge or experience needed to do a particular job or activity

magisterial /ˌmædʒɪˈstɪriəl/

 adj. 权威的


chauvinistic /ˌʃoʊvɪˈnɪstɪk/

 adj. 盲目爱国的

 believing that your country is better than any other

sleek /sliːk/

 adj. 光滑的

 straight and smooth in design or shape

 adj. 时髦的,吸引人的

 stylish and attractive

astringent /əˈstrɪndʒənt/

 adj. 严厉的,尖刻的

 very critical in a sharp and often clever way

ambivalent /æmˈbɪvələnt/

 adj. (情感、态度)矛盾的

 simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward an object, person or action

ameliorate /əˈmiːliəreɪt/

 v. 改善,提升

 to make better or more tolerable

exemplar /ɪɡˈzemplɑːr/

 n. 典型

 a typical example

grudge /ɡrʌdʒ/

 v. 不愿给予或承认

 to be unwilling to give or admit

 n. 怨恨

 a deep-seated feeling of resentment or rancor

sweeping /ˈswiːpɪŋ/

 adj. 广泛的


 adj. 全面的

 marked by wholesale and indiscriminate inclusion

extirpate /ˈekstərpeɪt/

 v. 根除

 to destroy or remove completely

parity /ˈpærəti/

 n. 平等


utilitarian /ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteriə/

 adj. 实用的

 made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortable

 adj. 功利的,实用主义的

 of or relating to utilitarianism

elicit /iˈlɪsɪt/

 v. 引起

 to call forth or draw out

intoxicate /ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪt/

 v. 使…陶醉,沉醉

 to excite or elate to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy

inchoate /ɪnˈkoʊət/

 adj. 早期的

 being in a beginning or early stage

 adj. 不成熟的,仅初具规模的

 imperfectly informed or developed

rebuff /rɪˈbʌf/

 n. (粗鲁的)回复

 a blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal

 v. (粗鲁地)拒绝

 to reject bluntly, often disdainfully

construe /kənˈstruː/

 v. 理解

 to understand the meaning of

fallacy /ˈfæləsi/

 n. 错误,谬论

 a false or mistaken idea

increment /ˈɪŋkrəmənt/

 n. 增长,递增

 the action or process of increasing especially in quantity or value

deteriorate /dɪˈtɪriəreɪt/

 v. 恶化

 to make(something)worse

grandiose /ˈɡrændioʊs/

 adj. 宏伟壮观的

 impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect or grandeur

 adj. 妄自尊大的

 excessive self-importance or affected grandeur

truncate /ˈtrʌŋkeɪt/

 v. 缩短

 to make shorter

haphazard /hæpˈhæzərd/

 adj. 无序的,凌乱的

 having no plan, order or direction

quizzical /ˈkwɪzɪkl/

 adj. 诧异的;感到好奇的

 expressive of puzzlement, curiosity or disbelief

provincial /prəˈvɪnʃl/

 adj. 眼光狭隘的

 limited in outlook

 adj. 乡下的

 lacking the polish of urban society

insensitive /ɪnˈsensətɪv/

 adj. 漠视的,不在乎的

 not responsive or susceptible

shackle /ˈʃækl/

 v. /n. 阻碍

 v. to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps

cumbersome /ˈkʌmbərsəm/

 adj. 笨拙的

 unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk

encomium /enˈkoʊmiəm/

 n. 赞美

 glowing and warm enthusiastic praise

decelerate /ˌdiːˈseləreɪt/

 v. 减缓

 to decrease the rate of or the progress of

revitalize /ˌriːˈvaɪtəlaɪz/

 v. 使…复活

 to make active, healthy or energetic again

indisputable /ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl/

 adj. 不容置疑的

 impossible to question or doubt

roost /ruːst/

 v. 栖息

 to settle down for rest or sleep

corroborate /kəˈrɑːbəreɪt/

 v. 佐证,提供证据证明

 to support with evidence or authority

proclivity /prəˈklɪvəti/

 n. 倾向,偏好

 a strong natural liking for something

hysteria /hɪˈstɪriə/

 n. 歇斯底里,情绪失控

 excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic

speculate /ˈspekjuleɪt/

 v. 推测,猜测

 to think about something and make guesses about it

conducive /kənˈduːsɪv/

 adj. 有益的,有帮助的

 tending to promote or assist

vexation /vekˈseɪʃn/

 n. 烦恼

 something that worries or annoys you

disdain /dɪsˈdeɪn/

 v. 蔑视,鄙视

 to strongly dislike or disapprove of(someone or something)

caterwaul /ˈkætərwɔːl/

 v. 发出难听的声音

 to make a very loud and unpleasant sound

 v. 强烈抗议

 to protest or complain noisily

efficacious /ˌefɪˈkeɪʃəs/

 adj. 有效果的

 having the power to produce a desired result or effect

alienate /ˈeɪliəneɪt/

 v. 疏远

 to cause(someone)to feel that she or he no longer belongs in a particular group, society, etc.

 v. 使…变得不友好

 to cause(someone)to stop being friendly, helpful, etc.,towards you

analgesic /ˌænəlˈdʒiːzɪk/

 n. 止痛药

 a drug that relieves pain

 adj. 止痛的

 capable of relieving pain

anatomize /əˈnætəˌmaɪz/

 v. 解剖

 to cut in pieces in order to display or examine the structure and use of the parts

 v. 分析

 to analyze

embargo /ɪmˈbɑːrɡoʊ/

 n. 贸易禁令

 a government order that limits trade in some way

contemplate /ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt/

 v. 深入思考

 to think deeply or carefully about

dogmatic /dɔːɡˈmætɪk/

 adj. 教条的

 expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubted

concrete /ˈkɑːŋkriːt/

 adj. 真实的

 naming a real thing or class of things

 adj. 详细的

 specific or particular

equitable /ˈekwɪtəbl/

 adj. 平等的,公平的

 just or fair

fervent /ˈfɜːrvənt/

 adj. 情感强烈的,热烈的

 exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling

alleviate /əˈliːvieɪt/

 v. 减轻

 to reduce the pain or trouble of

contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/

 adj. 传染性的,有感染力的

 communicable by contact

pedantic /pɪˈdæntɪk/

 adj. 卖弄知识的

 narrowly, stodgily and often ostentatiously learned

unwieldy /ʌnˈwiːldi/

 adj. 体积庞大而笨重的

 difficult to handle, control or deal with because of being large, heavy or complex

vociferous /voʊˈsɪfərəs/

 adj. 吵吵嚷嚷的

 expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way

profess /prəˈfes/

 v. 宣称

 to say or declare(something)openly

obeisance /oʊˈbiːsns/

 n. 尊敬,敬意

 respect for someone or something

diffuse /dɪˈfjuːs/

 v. 扩散

 to spread about or scatter; disseminate

 adj. 啰唆的

 characterized by verbosity; wordy

fulminate /ˈfʌlmɪneɪt/

 v. 抨击,辱骂

 to utter or send out with denunciation

voluble /ˈvɑːljəbl/

 adj. 健谈的,话多的

 talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way

sterling /ˈstɜːrlɪŋ/

 adj. 优秀的,一流的

 conforming to the highest standard

surmount /sərˈmaʊnt/

 v. 克服,战胜

 to prevail over

 v. 站在…的顶峰

 to stand or lie at the top of