第12章 Lesson 11 Snow Day

There was a big snowstorm last night. When I woke up this morning, there was lots of snow everywhere. My Mom turned on the radio, and it said that schools were closed! My Mom is a teacher, so she stayed home with me and my dog, Choco.

This is a list of the things we did today:

— build a snowman

— play with Choco

— make chocolate chip cookies

— phone my grandparents

I like snow days, but I will be happy to go back to school tomorrow.

I. Word List

snowstorm: a heavy fall of snow, usually with high wind

snowman: a figure made of snow that resembles a person

II. True or False—Write T (true) or F (false) for the following sentences.

___ 1. The writer went to school today.

___ 2. The writer made a snowman.

___ 3. The writer wants to go back to school tomorrow.

___ 4. The writer has a cat.

___ 5. The TV said that schools were closed.

III. Fill in the blanks—Choose the correct words from the story.

1. The writer has a dog named ___________.

2. The writer phoned his ______________.

3. The writer and his Mom made _______________ cookies.

4. There was a big __________ last night.

IV. All about you! Complete the sentences so that they are true about you!

1. When it snows a lot, I like to _______________________.

2. When school is closed, I like to ____________________.

3. On the radio, I listen to ______________________.

4. A kind of food I like to make is _________________.

5. Sometimes I talk to ___________________ on the phone.

6. Yesterday I did these things: _____________, ________________, and __________________.