washed hours precious game

harm any brushed end

1. A little play does not harm any one, but does much good. After play, we should be glad to work.

2. I knew a boy who liked a good game very much. He could run, swim, jump, and play ball; and was always merry when out of school.

3. But he knew that time is not all for play; that our minutes, hours, and days are very precious.

4. At the end of his play, he would go home. After he had washed his face and hands, and brushed his hair, he would help his mother, or read in his book, or write upon his slate.

5. He used to say, “One thing at a time.” When he had done with work, he would play; but he did not try to play and to work at the same time.


A. Sound Work—Find the list word in the string of letters; Circle each word you find; Write down how many you found.


bb be hinddddhe behind ii in nnbehindhh he eeebe hind nnndddbehind 5

1. hhhhourssssouhoursuuurrhourssssshhhou ______

2. ynynynanyaaanyaaaannndyyanyaaaany ______

3. mmmaaarhhhhhharmmmamharmmmmraa ______

4. mmemagggamemeeagamemmmgameeeeaga ______

5. endddddnneennendnndendnnnnedendnnednend ______

B. Word Work—When we add an “ed” to some words they indicate that it has happened in the past. Can you make these words into past actions.

Example: “ed” was added to the end of the root word “look” to indicate that the action “look” had happened in the past. The boy “looked”at the dog.

1. wash ___________

2. harm ___________

3. brush ___________

C. Sentence Work—Use the words provided to write your own sentence. You can use the sentences in the lesson for ideas.

1. brushed washed _____________________________________

2. game liked _____________________________________

3. precious hours _____________________________________

4. harm any _____________________________________

D. Game—Unscramble the words. Use the letter in the highlighted spot to find the answer to the question below.

What doesn't a little play do?

A little play does not ____________ any one.

srouh _ _ _ _ _

ayn _ _ _

shubrde _ _ _ _ _ _ _

emga _ _ _ _