Huang Jin
Former head and professor Geography De-partment of Sun Yat-sen University and per-manent honorary president of Danxia Land-form Tourism and Exploitation Society
It was on April 20th, 2013 I got acquainted, to my pleasure, with Yang Zhi when I was on a field investigation of Danxia Landform in Guangfeng County, Jiangxi Province. He gave me his album Glamor of Longyuan Gorge, which is exquisitely printed and I was really impressed. He told me he would publish a photograph collection of Jiangxi's Danxia Landform. That's really something, so I gave him photocopy of chapters about Danxia Landform in Jiangxi from my book Briefing on China's Danxia Landform.
The formation of Danxia Landform in Jiangxi can be traced back to an orogenesis happened about 100 million years ago between late Upper Contaceous to early Lower Contaceous(the be-ginning of Yanshan Movement), which caused a number of northeast to north subsidence and basins in southeast China. Many red basin in Jiangxi are a part of these mountain basin. And the neighboring hills formed with ancient strata and granite and volcanic rock of different periods provided prerequisite for the accumulation of these basins. The draught and oxidization trans-formed the FeO2 in the sand into red Fe2O3 and thus making the sand and stones red. After being pushed tight, they become the red strata you're seeing nowadays.
Another orogenesis happened 67 million years ago between the late Contaceous and early Paleogene(a part of the Himalayas Movement), the south China mainland was raised to a great extent because of the extrusion of Pacific Plate and Indian Plate. The above mentioned red strata were tilted and texture and cracks of different directions have been made. A lot of inward sendi-mentary red basins in Jiangxi had, as a result, been transformed into outward eroded areas. Red strata can still be found in some of the inward sendimentary red basins in Jiangxi. They were not
transform into outward eroded areas until a orogenesis of late Paleogene. The outward eroded red strata began to be made into Danxia Landform with the joint action of erosion, corrosion, collapse and weathering. After these action for more than 60 million years, the old Danxia Landform dis-appeared and new ones came into being. The ones you're witnessing is but a short chapter in the long development.
I've been long engaged in the research of China's Danxia Landform and had field investiga-tion to the 17 sites of Danxia Landform taken in his Intoxicated by Danxia, long-term research for some of the sites and books for Danxia Landform in Danxia Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Lang-shan Mountain, Shicheng and Guangfeng, which not only give thorough and detailed description of the above mentioned areas but also made calculations of the rising rate, landform history, re-treating rate and erosion rate. That's why I have a close feeling when I found pictures of sites I've been to in his album.
Up to now 995 sites of Danxia Landform have been found in China among which Jiangxi boasts the most, i.e. 175 sites and 17.6% of the total. Many sites of Danxia Landform in Jiangxi are located in old revolutionary base areas where many revolutionists including Yang Zhi once worked and battled. I sincerely hope Yang would work on and publish more and better such album in the future.
Huang Jin
In Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University on Nov. 21th, 2013