This horse was dappled too, and so like Dapplegrim that no one could distinguish the one from the other.The youth seated himself on the dappled horse which he had captured, and rode home again to the King's palace, and Dapplegrim ran loose by his side.When he got there, the King was standing outside in the courtyard.

`Can you tell me which is the horse I have caught, and which is the one I had before?' said the youth.`If you can't, I think your daughter is mine.'

The King went and looked at both the dappled horses; he looked high and he looked low, he looked before and he looked behind, but there was not a hair's difference between the two.

`No,' said the King; `that I cannot tell thee, and as thou hast procured such a splendid bridal horse for my daughter thou shalt have her; but first we must have one more trial, just to see if thou art fated to have her.She shall hide herself twice, and then thou shalt hide thyself twice.If thou canst find her each time that she hides herself, and if she cannot find thee in thy hiding-places, then it is fated, and thou shalt have the Princess.'

`That, too, was not in our bargain,' said the youth.`But we will make this trial since it must be so.'

So the King's daughter was to hide herself first.

Then she changed herself into a duck, and lay swimming in a lake that was just outside the palace.But the youth went down into the stable and asked Dapplegrim what she had done with herself.

`Oh, all that you have to do is to take your gun, and go down to the water and aim at the duck which is swimming about there, and she will soon discover herself,' said Dapplegrim.

The youth snatched up his gun and ran to the lake.`I will just have a shot at that duck,' said he, and began to aim at it.

`Oh, no, dear friend, don't shoot! It is I,' said the Princess.

So he had found her once.

The second time the Princess changed herself into a loaf, and laid herself on the table among four other loaves; and she was so like the other loaves that no one could see any difference between them.

But the youth again went down to the stable to Dapplegrim, and told him that the Princess had hidden herself again, and that he had not the least idea what had become of her.

`Oh, just take a very large bread-knife, sharpen it, and pretend that you are going to cut straight through the third of the four loaves which are lying on the kitchen table in the King's palace --count them from right to left--and you will soon find her,' said Dapplegrim.

So the youth went up to the kitchen, and began to sharpen the largest bread-knife that he could find; then he caught hold of the third loaf on the left-hand side, and put the knife to it as if he meant to cut it straight in two.`I will have a bit of this bread for myself,' said he.

`No, dear friend, don't cut, it is I!' said the Princess again;so he had found her the second time.

And now it was his turn to go and hide himself; but Dapplegrim had given him such good instructions that it was not easy to find him.First he turned himself into a horse-fly, and hid himself in Dapplegrim's left nostril.The Princess went poking about and searching everywhere, high and low, and wanted to go into Dapplegrim's stall too, but he began to bite and kick about so that she was afraid to go there, and could not find the youth.

`Well,' said she, `as I am unable to find you, you must show yourself; `whereupon the youth immediately appeared standing there on the stable floor.

Dapplegrim told him what he was to do the second time, and he turned himself into a lump of earth, and stuck himself between the hoof and the shoe on Dapplegrim's left fore foot.Once more the King's daughter went and sought everywhere, inside and outside, until at last she came into the stable, and wanted to go into the stall beside Dapplegrim.So this time he allowed her to go into it, and she peered about high and low, but she could not look under his hoofs, for he stood much too firmly on his legs for that, and she could not find the youth.

`Well, you will just have to show where you are yourself, for Ican't find you,' said the Princess, and in an instant the youth was standing by her side on the floor of the stable.

`Now you are mine!' said he to the Princess.

`Now you can see that it is fated that she should be mine,' he said to the King.

`Yes, fated it is,' said the King.`So what must be, must.'

Then everything was made ready for the wedding with great splendour and promptitude, and the youth rode to church on Dapplegrim, and the King's daughter on the other horse.So everyone must see that they could not be long on their way thither.[20]

[20] From J.Moe,