About the Authors
About the Reviewers
Chapter 1. Up and Running with Kali Linux
Installing to a hard disk drive
Installing to a USB drive with persistent memory
Installing in VirtualBox
Installing VMware Tools
Fixing the splash screen
Starting network services
Setting up the wireless network
Chapter 2. Customizing Kali Linux
Preparing kernel headers
Installing Broadcom drivers
Installing and configuring ATI video card drivers
Installing and configuring nVidia video card drivers
Applying updates and configuring extra security tools
Setting up ProxyChains
Directory encryption
Chapter 3. Advanced Testing Lab
Getting comfortable with VirtualBox
Downloading Windows Targets
Downloading Linux Targets
Attacking WordPress and other applications
Chapter 4. Information Gathering
Service enumeration
Determining network range
Identifying active machines
Finding open ports
Operating system fingerprinting
Service fingerprinting
Threat assessment with Maltego
Mapping the network
Chapter 5. Vulnerability Assessment
Installing configuring and starting Nessus
Nessus – finding local vulnerabilities
Nessus – finding network vulnerabilities
Nessus – finding Linux-specific vulnerabilities
Nessus – finding Windows-specific vulnerabilities
Installing configuring and starting OpenVAS
OpenVAS – finding local vulnerabilities
OpenVAS – finding network vulnerabilities
OpenVAS – finding Linux-specific vulnerabilities
OpenVAS – finding Windows-specific vulnerabilities
Chapter 6. Exploiting Vulnerabilities
Installing and configuring Metasploitable
Mastering Armitage the graphical management tool for Metasploit
Mastering the Metasploit Console (MSFCONSOLE)
Mastering the Metasploit CLI (MSFCLI)
Mastering Meterpreter
Metasploitable MySQL
Metasploitable PostgreSQL
Metasploitable Tomcat
Metasploitable PDF
Implementing browser_autopwn
Chapter 7. Escalating Privileges
Using impersonation tokens
Local privilege escalation attack
Mastering the Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
Collecting the victim's data
Cleaning up the tracks
Creating a persistent backdoor
Man In The Middle (MITM) attack
Chapter 8. Password Attacks
Online password attacks
Cracking HTTP passwords
Gaining router access
Password profiling
Cracking a Windows password using John the Ripper
Using dictionary attacks
Using rainbow tables
Using nVidia Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
Using ATI Stream
Physical access attacks
Chapter 9. Wireless Attacks
Wireless network WEP cracking
Wireless network WPA/WPA2 cracking
Automating wireless network cracking
Accessing clients using a fake AP
URL traffic manipulation
Port redirection
Sniffing network traffic
更新时间:2021-07-23 16:08:28