1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Term s and Definitions
4 Classification
5 Requirements
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6 Test Methods
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7 Packaging
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8 Labelling
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9 Storage and Transport
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Annex A (Normative) Test M ethods for the Strength and Sharpness of the Acupuncture Need le Tip
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Annex B (Normative) Test M ethods for the Puncture Performance of the Acupuncture Need le Tip
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Annex C (Normative) Test M ethod for Corrosion Resistance——Testing w ith Citric Acid Solution
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Annex D (Informative) References
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前 言
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引 言
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1 范围
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2 规范性引用文件
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3 术语与定义
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4 分类
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5 要求
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6 试验方法
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7 包装
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8 标志、使用说明书
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9 运输、贮存
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附 录 A(规范性附录)针灸针针尖强度和锋利度测试
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附 录 B(规范性附录)针灸针针尖穿刺性能试验方法
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附 录 C(规范性附录)耐腐蚀性能试验方法——柠檬酸溶液试验法
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附 录 D(资料性附录)文献目录
更新时间:2019-12-27 17:39:05